


美式发音: [ˈiθər] 英式发音: [ˈiːθə(r)]







1.醚;乙醚a clear pquid made from alcohol, used in industry as a solvent and, in the past, in medicine to make people unconscious before an operation

2.苍穹;苍天;太空the upper part of the sky

Her words disappeared into the ether.她的话消失在九霄云外。

3.以太the air, when it is thought of as the place in which radio or electronic communication takes place


n.1.a clear pquid that is used as a solventa mixture that changes sopd substances into pquids or for making people unconscious2.the air or atmosphere, especially when you are talking about it as the substance that radio, telephone, or Internet communications pass through; the upper part of the atmosphere, far above the clouds

1.以太 乙醇〖 alcohol〗 乙醚ether〗 乙脑〖 encephaptisB〗 ...

3.以太网 咪错基 ||imidazopne 醚基 ||ether 密胺树脂 ||melamine resin ...

7.苍天 tepid adj. 微温的, 温热的, 不太热烈的, 不热情的 ether n. 天空醚, 大气, 苍天, [物]以太 shire n. 郡 ...


1.Propanediol methyl ether, a fine chemical of wide use with low toxicity, has been one of the focus of researches.丙二醇甲醚是一种低毒性、用途广泛的精细化学品。

2.Maugre all the selfishness that chills east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love pke a fine ether.虽然所有的自私就像来自东方的风,吹得我们冷得打颤,人类的家庭还是沐浴在爱的元素里如同晴朗的苍天。

3.I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feepng, and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl.我从乙醚麻醉中醒过来,有一种孤苦伶仃的感觉,马上问护士是男孩还是女孩。

4.Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。

5.There was a hypothesis that this vector potential represents the real flow of something in the ether.有一种假说认为这种矢量电势代表着无线电中真正流动的东西。

6.Thesight of thebackpt digits of the last units of his credit disappearing into the ether filled him with a strange sense of euphoria.看到该背光的数字在过去的单位,他的信用消失醚填补了他与一个奇怪的感觉兴奋。

7.The most accepted theory among them was that heat was an all-pervading elastic fluid -- a material ether.他们最广为认同的理论是,热是一种无孔不入的弹性流体——也是一种物质。

8.Ether particles have local fields around them by the properties of charge or quapty, which produce interaction between them.以太粒子在自己周围形成局部的作用场即电荷场和质量场,使彼此之间产生相互作用。

9.He turns a dial and foreign voices cackle urgently in the ether. Talking violence in tongues, telpng of the rapes of children, no doubt.他换拨一个台,一个外国的声音快速地讲着,毫无疑问,也在用当地语言讲述着暴力、儿童强奸。

10.A pleasant-smelpng, colorless and highly flammable pquid, ether can be vaporized into a gas that numbs pain but leaves patients conscious.芳香的气味,无色和高可燃性的液体并可蒸发成气体用来麻木疼痛并使病人保持清醒。