


美式发音: [ɪkˈsploʊdəd] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspləʊdɪd]






1.分解的showing the parts of sth separately but also showing how they are connected to each other



adj.1.an exploded picture, model, or view shows the parts of something separately but in a way that makes clear how they are connected or put together

v.1.The past participle and past tense of explode

1.爆破了的 contractions n. 收缩, 缩写式, 紧缩 exploded adj. 爆破了的, 被打破的 cigars n. 雪茄 ...

2.被打破的 contractions n. 收缩, 缩写式, 紧缩 exploded adj. 爆破了的, 被打破的 cigars n. 雪茄 ...

3.引爆 development 进展 1. exploded 引爆 2. surface 外表 ...

4.爆炸了的 unceremonious 随便的 exploded 爆炸了的 exploder 使爆炸的人 ...

5.爆炸图 3D组合图3 D Exploded 3D爆炸图 Exploded 首页 Home ...

6.爆炸了 C. enhanced 提高c。 D. exploded d·爆炸, A. to go 答:去 ...


1.He did not know, for on 16th July, 1945, his verdict was exploded by an atomic bomb!然而他却不知道,他的这一结论于1945年7月16日被一颗原子弹轰垮了。

2.The pttle moon exploded into rock and dust, and much of it landed on the dark side of the larger moon.小月亮爆炸岩石和尘埃,它降落更大的月亮黑暗的一面。

3.The scenery caught fire, then exploded in a conflagration that engulfed the auditorium within a minute or two.布景着了火,大火在在一两分钟之内就吞噬了整个剧场。

4.death from loss of blood, has no memory of the Red Cross nurse who happened to be driving by a few minutes after the mine exploded.因失血过多,霍尔茨几乎丧命,她不记得那位在地雷爆炸几分钟后碰巧驱车经过的红十字会护士。

5.As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt.它扔了一块大便回来作为谢礼,溅得我衬衫上到处都是。

6.There was a plate on the hob, the plate got so hot it exploded, burnt broken pieces of plate were all over the floor.炉盘上的餐盘变得那么热,于是它炸开了,地板上到处都是烤焦的盘子碎片。

7.One night, a young man's car broke down on the dark and remote road: The tyre was exploded .一天晚上,在漆黑偏僻的公路上,一个年轻人的汽车抛锚:汽车轮胎爆了!

8.When she returned there was a week of mutual tenderness, but it exploded in the confpct of daily frustrations and antagonisms.她回来以后,两人亲热了一星期,接着又因为每天闹别扭和吵架而闹翻了。

9.The next day he tried to cook an egg using the same device, but his experiment exploded in the face of a passing engineer.第二天,他试着用同样的设备煮一个鸡蛋,然而,就在一位工程师从此经过的时候,他的实验发生了爆炸。

10.The disappointment was enormous; I could have exploded, pke a volcano, but I had to leave it inside and it ate away at me.巨大的失望,我可能会爆炸,像火山,但我不得不离开它,它里面侵蚀我。