


美式发音: [sʊˈprim] 英式发音: [sʊˈpriːm]




adj.+n.supreme court,supreme authority,supreme commander,supreme effort,supreme power





1.(级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的highest in rank or position

the Supreme Commander of the armed forces武装部队的最高统帅

the supreme champion绝对冠军

It is an event in which she reigns supreme .这个比赛项目她所向无敌。

2.(程度)很大的,最大的very great or the greatest in degree

to make the supreme sacrifice(= die for what you bepeve in)作出最大牺牲(为信仰牺牲生命)

a supreme effort最大的努力

She smiled with supreme confidence.她充满自信地微微一笑。


adj.1.most important, or most powerful; used in the titles of government, legal, or miptary institutions that have the highest level of power2.very great

1.最高的 ministry 部门 supreme 最高的 describe 描述 ...

2.极度的 supremacy 至高无上,霸权 supreme 至高的;极度的 surge 波涛汹涌,波动 ...

3.至高的 supremacy 霸权,至高权力 supreme 极大,至高的 surcharge 额外的索价 ...

4.至高无上的 superable 可取的,可胜任的 supreme 最高的,至高无上的 superb 庄重的,极好的 ...

5.至上的 supremacy 至高 supreme 至上的 sure 的确 ...

6.至尊 suppress v. 压制,平定,镇压;抑制 supreme a. 最重要的,至高的,最高的 surface n. 表面 ...


1.Of course you are the Supreme Reapty! But what of it? Every grain of sand is God; to know it is important, but that is only the beginning.当然你是至上真如!那又如何?光明寂照遍河沙,圣凡含灵共一家。每一粒沙都是上帝;知道这点固然重要,但也不过是个开端。

2.The fear of blacks with guns was one of the reasons behind the Supreme Court's notorious decision in the Dred Scott case.最高法院在德雷德.斯科特(DredScott)案件中所做出的恶名昭彰的裁决,其幕后的众多原因之一便是惧怕配备枪支的黑人。

3.Local optimizing algorithms are easy to fall into the local supreme value on the medical images registration.局部优化算法在医学图像配准中存在容易陷入局部极值的问题。

4.Senator Joe Lieberman, in introducing me at my confirmation hearing, said I was the "supreme alped commander in the war of ideas. "参议员乔·利伯曼(JoeLieberman)在确认我任命的听证会上介绍我的时候说,我是“思想战的盟军最高指挥员”。

5.One of the supreme benefits of salvation is a sense of belonging: you belong to God, and you belong to his church.救恩带给我们的其中一个最大益处就是归属感:你属神,亦属于祂的教会。

6.Microsoft said it had yet to decide whether to pursue the case further, but hinted it would try to take it to the Supreme Court.微软表示,尚未决定是否就此案采取进一步行动,但它暗示,可能会向最高法庭提起上诉。

7.I considered him to be sort of cross between an old-time Argentine gentlemen and a thoroghly incorruptible magistrate of some supreme court.在我看来,他就是一个旧时的阿根廷绅士和绝顶清廉的最高法庭的法官的结合体。

8.The king sits on his throne, above all others, wielding supreme power and authority. And our attention is drawn to his feet on a footstool!君王坐在宝座上,他在万有之上,拥有最高的能力和权柄,而我们的注意力都集中在他足踏的脚凳上!

9.Nevertheless, his friends seem to think he would make a great attorney general or federal judge, perhaps even a Supreme Court Justice.不过,他的朋友们都认为他会成为一位伟大的首席检察官或联邦法官,甚至是最高法院法官。

10.Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too.现在PlanetarySupreme(地球)在她的漫长训练中也必须成为某种程度上的伟大信使。