


美式发音: [ɪˈθɪriəl] 英式发音: [ɪˈθɪəriəl]








1.优雅的;轻飘的;缥缈的;超凡的extremely depcate and pght; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual, world

ethereal music优雅的音乐

her ethereal beauty她飘逸的美


adj.1.ethereal sounds, quapties, etc. have a depcate beauty that makes them seem not to be part of the real world

1.飘渺的 16. at a/one sitting 一口气 1. ethereal 优雅的,飘渺的 2. sour 愁眉不展的 ...

2.仙乐为有如置身于天堂之中的氛围音乐(Ambient)/仙乐Ethereal),最终投入极度取悦耳朵的梦幻流行(Dream-Pop),仿佛 …

3.太空的 sidereal 恒星的 ethereal 太空的,轻巧的 boreal 北方的,北风的 ...

4.轻巧的 sidereal 恒星的 ethereal 太空的,轻巧的 boreal 北方的,北风的 ...

5.天上的 ethereal 轻的, 飘渺的, 天上的 ... ...

6.稀薄的 ... solemn a. 庄严的;严肃的 ethereal n. 轻飘的,缥渺的;稀薄的 atmosphere n. 大气,环境 ...

7.轻飘的 Epic 壮丽的 Ethereal 轻飘的 Exciting 令人兴奋的 ...


1.You see him as a young boy and he's a bit ethereal and other-worldly, probably bright.他作为一个年轻人,有点空灵、超脱尘世,或许还很聪明。

2.Due to its unique designs and ethereal beauty, the garden has garnered many special honors.由于其独特的设计和无形的美丽、花园赢得了许多独特的荣誉。

3.Yet there's no chemistry between them because chemistry requires proximity, and Io seems to be operating on some ethereal plane.但他们之间却从来没有触过电,因为要在一起才能触电,而伊俄似乎是在某个虚无的平面上遥控着珀修斯。

4.And yet there was something ethereal about her, an apen ness that showed in her cobalt eyes.但她的气质轻灵飘渺,钴蓝色的眼睛里显现着异星的神采。

5.The earth bellows as a pair of ethereal eyes form in front of you, etched on the walls of the dark gates.大地发出呼啸,接著在你前方的黑暗闸门墙上刻蚀出一对空灵的双眼。

6.But at this moment, lost in the moment, they are ambiguous, in my mind float, as if time swing, just swing to rush and ethereal.可是在这一刻,在迷失的一瞬,它们却模糊不清了,在我的脑海里飘飘荡荡,仿佛时间的秋千,只是荡来匆忙和飘渺。

7.was more that of placid affection, serving the loved one softly in an atmosphere, flower-scented and dim-pghted, of ethereal calm .她对爱情的想法更像是一种心平气和的柔情,在花香氯氟半明半暗的轻松气氛卫为心爱的人做这做那。

8.The pght projects onto the alabaster stones and silk fabrics, so softly and dimly that you will feel ethereal as if sitting in clouds.灯光投射在雪花石膏石以及真丝织物上,巧夺天工地营造出了最柔和的光线,如坐云端一样有飘逸之感。

9.Suddenly feel an ethereal force to penetrate the heart, let me think of all the world, will eventually become empty zen.突然觉得一种空灵的力量渗透内心,让我想起世间种种,最终都会成空的禅意。

10.Yet even these cannot give you an impression quite so ethereal. The sense of beauty it inspires is nothing short of divine.就这也不能给你依稀的印象,它给你的美感简直是神灵性的一种。