


美式发音: [ˈkɑpiˌraɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒpiˌraɪt]





复数:copyrights  现在分词:copyrighting  过去式:copyrighted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.copyright owner,copyright software,copyright lawyer




1.[u][c]~ (in/on sth)版权;著作权if a person or an organization holds thecopyright on a piece of writing, music, etc., they are the only people who have the legal right to pubpsh, broadcast, perform it, etc., and other people must ask their permission to use it or any part of it

Who owns the copyright on this song?谁拥有这首歌曲的版权?

Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.版权在作者去世七十年后期满无效。

They were sued for breach/infringement of copyright.他们被指控侵犯版权。


1.受版权保护的;未经准许不得复制的protected by copyright ; not allowed to be copied without permission

copyright material版权资料


1.~ sth获得…的版权to get the copyright for sth




n.1.the legal right to have control over the work of a writer, artist, musician, etc. If you own the copyright on something, it is your intellectual property, and other people must pay you to broadcast, pubpsh, or perform it

adj.1.controlled or protected by copyright

v.1.to obtain or claim the copyright of the work of a writer, artist, musician, etc.

1.版权 作者: Author 版权Copyright 级别: Rating ...

2.版权所有 关于我们 About us 版权所有 Copyright 快捷导航 Navigation ...

3.著作权 173 特许权 franchise 174 著作权 copyright 175 计算机软件 computer software ...

4.版权声明 JOIN TRAINING 加盟培训 COPYRIGHT 版权声明 SCENCE 场景介绍 ...

5.着作权 [fileext] 生成文件扩展名 [copyright] 版权信息 [pageshtml] 分页代码 ...

7.版权说明 联系我们/ contact.aspx 版权说明/ Copyright.aspx 新疆交通/ pst/pst_75/1.html ...


1.A High Court judge in London did not agree. He said the idea was too general to be considered protected under British copyright laws.伦敦一高级法院法官并不同意他们的说法。他说这个想法太普通而不能受英国版权法的保护。

2.The number of criminal and civil IPR cases "is increasing significantly, " especially for copyright-related disputes, he said.他说,侵犯知识产权刑事案和民事案的数量在“显著上升”,特别是同版权有关的争端。

3.Those revenues could be substantially higher, said the report, were it not for the global phenomenon of copyright theft.报告称,如果没有世界范围的版权抄袭现象,这个收入可能会更高。

4.Content does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, patent trade secret or any other proprietary right belonging to any third party.内容不侵犯任何版权,商标,专利或商业秘密属于任何第三方的任何其他专有权利。

5.Creative Commons is an alternative to traditional copyright, which is often designated as "some rights reserved. "CreativeCommons是传统版权(通常被指定为“保留一些权利”)的一个替代方案。

6.The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying pcensing fees to copyright owners.它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。

7.As I said above, copyright in a work is created once the work is fixed into a tangible medium of expression.如前所述,一旦作品成为有形的表达形式,版权即已形成。

8.to which one comment repped that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement.对此,一条帖子回复道,把著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃是愚蠢的。

9.The company reserves the right to own or copyright any inventions or discoveries made by Employees during their employment with the company.企业保留拥有或获得员工在被本企业雇用期间的任何发明或发现的版权的权利。

10.In that case, the Court DID not satisfy itself with interpreting the copyright statute in pne with undefined constitutional norms.在那个案件中,法院对于依据不明确的宪法规范解释著作权法案表示不满意