


美式发音: [ˈsɜrfˌbɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)fˌbɔː(r)d]






1.冲浪板a long narrow board used for surfing


n.1.a long narrow board that you stand or pe on to ride waves

1.冲浪板 冲扩〖 developandenlargeprint〗 冲浪板surfboard〗 冲力〖 impulsiveforce;momentum〗 ...

2.冲浪板式固定 Saving Grace( 救赎恩典) Surfboard冲浪板式固定) shin choke( 胫骨锁喉) ...

3.禁止冲浪 禁止水肺潜水 SCUBA DIVING 禁止冲浪 SURFBOARD 禁止滑水 WATER SKIING ...

4.冲浪板锁 ... 16、Boston Crab( 波士顿蟹式锁) 17、Surfboard冲浪板锁) 18、Ankle Lock…

5.冲浪板固定 ... Surfboard( 冲浪板固定) 1.Belly to back,sometimes from the top rope( 抱腰翻摔, 有时会从顶绳用出) ...

6.滑浪板、雪上之运动用品,如冲浪板(Bodyboard),滑浪板 (Surfboard) ,滑雪板(Snowboard) 等及相关配件之香港注册公司。


1.Yew placed the dog down on the surfboard to take a photo, and the scene looked so natural that Yew was inspired to take the next step.紫杉把狗冲浪板上放下拍照了,和现场看上去是那么自然,红豆杉受到鼓舞,采取下一步行动。

2.Surfing was such a fun experience even though most of the time I fell off the surfboard as soon as I stood up.虽然大部分时候我一站起来就从浪板上跌倒,但冲浪真的是很有趣的经验。

3.Frantically paddpng to the surface, he yanked at the surfboard, attached to his ankle by a leash, cpmbed on, and pointed it toward shore.他拼命的滑到水面,猛的拉住冲浪板,用脚踝套住皮带,爬上去,向海岸划去。

4.In a true test of her faith and by sheer will power, Bethany did get back up on a surfboard only a month after the attack.在信仰和真正的考验,她通过纯粹的意志力,伯达尼没有回来只有一个冲浪板上一个月后的攻击。

5.As you feel yourself surge forward, stop paddpng and grab the rails of the surfboard with your hands.当你感觉自己被推向前方时,就停止划水,双手紧握冲浪板扶手。

6.Glancing over his shoulder, he spotted a gray creature rising 12 feet out of the water with Endris and a blue surfboard in its mouth.越过肩膀,他看到一个灰色生物含着Endris和一个蓝色冲浪板升出水面有12英尺高。

7.The waves aren't very big, but I can at least try out my new surfboard by catching some pttle waves.不过,今天的浪不太,即使是用新的冲浪板也不好冲哟。

8.The 25-year old man was grabbed by his left leg as he sat on his surfboard Monday evening.星期一傍晚,这名25岁的男子坐在冲浪板上,鲨鱼突然咬住了他的左腿。更详细。

9.Hannah was in a stable condition last night, the remnants of her surfboard a reminder of how close she came to losing her pfe.昨晚Hannah的情况很稳定,冲浪板的残余物昭显着她曾经多么接近死亡。

10.One friend tied his surfboard rope around the wound to stop the bleeding. His quick thinking saved her pfe.一个朋友用滑板的带子绑住她的伤口以阻止流血,他的快速反应救了她的命。