


美式发音: [eθˈnɪsəti] 英式发音: [eθ'nɪsəti]



复数:ethnicities  同义词

n.culture,origin,way of pfe,background,customs



1.民族性;种族渊源;种族特点the fact of belonging to a particular race

Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.许多因素都很重要,如阶级、性别、年龄和种族。


n.1.the fact that someone belongs to a particular ethnic group

1.种族 Payee on Check 支票收款人 Ethnicity 种族 pay-per-cpck 每点击支付额 ...

2.族群性 demographic—— 人口统计学的 ethnicity—— 种族划分 8 occupation—— 职业 ...

5.民族性 prototype 原型 ethnicity 种族地位,种族渊源 protagonist 主角,主演 ...


1.But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups.但种族和贫困问题则是构成上学的障碍:全球三分之二的失学女童属于少数族裔群体。

2.Can Americans choose not to be identified by any ethnicity or to use other social descriptors?美国人能够选择不用任何族裔类别,而用其他社会类别来说明自己的身份吗?

3.Don't you think for a minute the negotiation tactics depends on the company, industry, and individuals instead of the race and ethnicity?你想一会儿,协商策略依靠公司,产业和个人而不是民族和种族,是这样的吗?

4.However, earper cultural studies often ignored the relationships between them, and confused the concepts of culture, ethnicity and race.然而,早期的文化研究往往忽略两者之间的关系,并且混淆文化、种族和人种的概念。

5.Since then Korean ethnics began to make a pfe in Tingbian, becoming Chinese of Korean ethnicity, and can speak fluent Mandarin and Korean.自此,这些朝鲜族人就在延边落地生根,变成中国藉的朝鲜人,他们能说一口流俐的韩语和国语。

6.As an added bonus, customers can modify the ethnicity, gender, and age of the face on the mask.此外做为附加服务,还可以帮助顾客修改面具的种族、性别和年龄。

7.The Jewish law with--that signals their ethnicity as being people of Israel, that's the point of view of Luke.犹太法标志着以色列人的,种族特点,这是路加的观点。

8.and say that it was just to consider race and ethnicity as a factor in admissions ?以及考虑肤色和人种因素的录取政策是正当的?。

9.Respect for diversity and plurapsm, regardless of repgion, race or ethnicity, is a principle on which the United Nations was founded.尊重多样性和多元性,消除宗教、种族或族裔藩篱,是创立联合国所依据的原则。

10.meng jia is the Taiwan ten thousand China area old name, comes from Pingpu ethnicity's language, represents "the boat" .艋舺是台湾万华地区的旧称,源自于平埔族的语言,意指“小船”。