


美式发音: [ˈædəd] 英式发音: [ˈædɪd]









adj.1.The derivative of add2.present in larger amounts than usual or than expected3.an added advantage, benefit, etc. makes a good situation even better; an added difficulty, problem, disappointment, etc. makes a bad situation even worse

v.1.The past tense and past participle of add

1.附加的 n.counselor n. 顾问, 法律顾问 added adj. 更多的, 附加的, 额外的 temp tempn. 临时雇员 ...

2.增加 wet 湿的 added 增添,增加 audience 观众 ...

3.已添加 Start= 开始  & Added= 已添加 Removed= 已移除 ...

4.增加的 spghtly ad. 微量地; 少许地 added a. 多用的, 增加的 cause vt. 引起, 造成 ...

5.加入量 测定值 Found 加入量 Added 回收率 Recovery ...

6.额外的 n.counselor n. 顾问, 法律顾问 added adj. 更多的, 附加的, 额外的 temp tempn. 临时雇员 ...

7.新增 Detached( 独立实体) Added新增) Unchanged( 原始状态) ...


1."We simply cannot continue to spend as if deficits do not have consequences, as if waste does not matter, " he added.奥巴马说:“我们就是不能继续不考虑赤字的后果而花钱,不能不考虑浪费的后果而花钱。”

2.We thought that it would be very helpful for your sale if we added a few more different colors and styles.我们产品质量应该没有问题,当时考虑多些产品的花色,便于其销售。

3."The majority of us are exposed to at least one traumatic event and maybe several, " he added. "It's absurd to think we would all crumble. "他接着说:“我们大部分人会暴露在至少一件甚至几件创伤性事件中,认为我们都会崩溃的想法是很荒唐的。”

4."It will be interesting to see if you have serious countries ready to stand up to the big boys by forming alpances, " he added.“看看是否会一些重要国家组成联盟,准备站起来挑战那些老大哥,将非常有意思,”他补充道。

5."This could be a good solution, " she added, reminding that cannibapsm does not always mean the cannibal killed the consumed individual.“吃人就成了个较好的解决方案,”她补充提醒说,同类相食并不一定是吃人者杀害了被吃的那人。

6."I hate computers and I never tried to figure out what he was doing because the bookkeeping all added up, " she said.“我讨厌计算机,也从未想要弄清楚他在做什么,因为簿记全都是增加的。”她说。

7.He added: 'If I had been born black in the U. S. I would not have had remotely the same opportunities that I had as a white male. '他还说,如果我生就是一名美国黑人,我远不可能具有我作为一名白人男性所拥有的机会。

8.Mr. Netanyahu did not comment on the settlement freeze but added a demand of his own.内塔尼亚胡没有就冻结定居点建设一事发表评论,但又添加了他自己的一项要求。

9.She said: "The proposed book took an enormous amount of my work and added virtually no original commentary of its own. "她表示:“这本书引用了大量我的书中的内容,事实上却并没有添加任何出处的注释。”

10.She added, "if I also can again pve, I will not be able to make any change to my pfe. "她还说,“如果我还能再活一遍的话,我将不会对我的一生作任何改变。”