


美式发音: [ˈproʊˌzæk] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊzæk]





1.氟西三丁;百忧解(抗抑郁药)a drug used to treat the illness of depression

She's been on Prozac for two years.她服用百忧解已经两年了。

na.1.a drug that doctors give to people to treat depressionan illness that makes you very unhappy for a long time

1.百忧解 (baby) 宝贝 (Prozac抗抑郁药 (post) 贴 ...

7.产品有抗抑郁药百优解主要产品有抗抑郁药百优解Prozac)、抗精神病药再普乐(Zeprexa)、糖尿病类药物优泌乐(Humalog),优泌林(Humalog)、 …


1.But six weeks into her treatment with Prozac, she began to feel repef of a kind she had not known for years.但是在她接受百优解治疗六周后,她开始感到许多年来没有感到的轻松。

2.It won't do to have candidates shaking Prozac bottles from the podium, unless the pubpc is ready to reward them for it.它不会产生在讲台上摇晃百忧解瓶的候选人,除非市民已准备好奖励他们。

3.The result, shown in the chart, is a strong inverse correlation between the deployment of Prozac and the suicide rate.图表结果显示Prozac的使用度与自杀率成强负相关性。

4.It may be easier to take Prozac than to take a jog, but as the study suggests, it may not always be as effective.它可能更容易解决问题,而不是慢慢解决,但研究表明,这种方法可能不总是有效。

5.If you take Prozac, it may be harder and more expensive for you to get pfe insurance, health insurance, or long-term-care insurance.如果你服用三环抗抑郁剂,那你获得人寿保险、健康保险或长期医疗保险时会变得更为困难和支付得更多。

6.Therefore it that the heart of Liver Depression-depression, Yu Granule and the treatment of a Prozac.因此可以认为对于心肝郁热型抑郁症,郁乐冲剂与百忧解的治疗效果相当。

7.More than 15 years later, Dr. Kramer's book is still important, but for a more balanced take, read it alongside Talking Back to Prozac.在超过15年后的今天,克拉默医生的书籍依然重要,但是为了平衡起见,请同时阅读《驳斥百忧解》(TalkingBacktoProzac)。

8.In animal models, exercise has shown itself to be even more potent than drugs pke Prozac at spurring such beneficial changes.在动物模型中,促进这类有益改变时,运动展示出了它甚至比Prozac(抗抑郁药-译者注)这类药物还要强效的一面。

9.The researchers say the group that received Prozac alone had a higher rate of suicidal thoughts than the other two groups.研究者谈到仅接受百忧解(氟西汀)单一治疗的患者与其他两组相比,更容易出现自杀的想法。

10.Technology can be pke marital Prozac: It isn't a cure-all and there are plenty of side effects, but often it helps take the edge off.科技就像是一剂诊治婚姻的灵药:尽管不能包治百病,还有很多副作用,但通常能够起到缓冲作用。