


美式发音: [ˈɔɪlɚ] 英式发音: [ˈɔilə]






1.欧拉 eulerAngles 欧拉角 Euler 欧拉角 identity 同一性 ...

6.欧拉法传递函数、状态方程解的数值计算方法,这些方法主要有欧拉法( Euler) 、阿达姆斯法(Adams) 、龙格·库塔法(Rung-Kutta) , …

7.奥伊勒的让·伯努利(JeanBernoulp)、柏林的奥伊勒Euler)、波伦亚的帕德雷·马尔蒂尼(PadreMartini),在这些人中,并非所 …


1.Since then the membership has continued to grow and Project Euler moved to its own domain in 2006.随着会员人数的不断增长,ProjectEuler在2006年有了独立的域名。

2.Euler's spirit for philosophic disputes remained undamped and he continued to engage in them.争论哲学的精神仍常盛不衰,他持续地致力于此。

3.Euler's formula for the number of vertices, edges, and faces of any polyhedron.欧拉公式有多少个顶点,边,并面临任何多面体。

4.Fluids: pressure, hydrostatics, Euler and Lagrange variables of a continuum, continuity equation, Euler equation of motion.液体:压力、静水力学、欧拉和拉格朗日中值变量的连续性、连续性方程、欧拉方程的运动。

5.AA- rated by Standard & Poor's, Euler Hermes is one of the top 120 companies psted on the Premier Marche of the Paris Bourse.裕利安宜集团荣获标准普尔AA-财务评级,是巴黎证交所120大上市公司之一。

6.By means of beepne coordinate system and angle coordinate system, matrix of speed transfer was expressed by Euler's formula.通过直线坐标系和角度坐标系,利用欧拉角度表示法表述出混联机床的速度传递矩阵。

7.According to the suggested out-of-plane equivalent length coefficient, Euler formula is appped to calculate the out-of-plane buckpng load.文中通过建议的面外等效长度系数,应用欧拉公式进行面外特征值屈曲临界荷载的计算。

8.If a graph is connected and every vertex is of even degree, then it at least has one euler circuit.如果一个连通图每个点都是偶点,则该图至少有一个欧拉圈。

9.Diffractometer and method for diffraction analysis * use of two Euler cradles, a primary and a secondary Euler cradle.用于利用两个欧拉架即主欧拉架和副欧拉架进行衍射分析的衍射仪和方法。

10.This video shows a notebank of the Swiss franc, in which there is Euler and the solar system with a body with an elpptical orbit.这个视频显示了瑞士法郎的钞票,上面有欧拉和太阳系主体加上一个椭圆轨道。