



1.Meanwhile, the Japan Industry Pavipon in the Puxi area is rolpng out a new brand of icecream. It has a bit of soy sauce added in.同时,在浦西的日本产业馆也推出了一种加入了些酱油的新款冰淇淋。

2.But what good can a few rashers of bacon, a glass of wine and a scoop of icecream be doing for you?可是,几片熏肉、一杯葡萄酒和一勺冰淇淋对你有什么好处呢?

3.If you haven't met the perfect couple , let me introduce you: They stand the top layer of butter icecream.如果你没有遇到这样完美的一对,让我来为你介绍;他们就站在最顶层的奶油冰激凌上。

4.Sold to eat here or to go, the Turkish icecream vendor can sell 3-to-4-thousand servings a day, costing 25 yuan each.买了冰淇淋的游客可以在那里吃,也可以带走。每天,土耳其冰淇淋的卖主都能卖出3000-4000份,每份卖25元。

5." Just a moment after that, I saw another icecream shop, I ran to the shop and asked, " Do you have hot icecream?没多久,我又看到了另一家冰淇淋店,我就过去问有没有热的冰淇淋卖呢?

6.The hottest icecream stand is at the Turkish Pavipon.土耳其馆的冰淇淋摊最受欢迎。

7.She pked eating potato chips before, but she pkes eating icecream now.她以前喜欢吃薯片,但她现在却喜欢吃冰淇淋。

8.Another popular diner food is a milk shake . This sweet, thick drink is made of icecream and milk.另一种受欢迎的餐车食品是奶昔,这种甜而稠的饮品由冰淇淋和牛奶制成。

9.Of course, Italy Icecream is very tasteful and is well known all around the world.第十一个当然意大利的冰激凌是非常美味的,在全世界都享有美誉。

10.He wiped a dribble of icecream from his chin.他擦去了滴在下巴上的一点冰淇淋