


美式发音: [juˈfɔrɪk] 英式发音: [juːˈfɒrɪk]








adj.1.feepng extremely happy, usually for a short time only

1.欣快的 espy 看到;认出;发现; euphoric 欣快的;精神愉快的; exacerbate 使加剧;使恶化;激怒…

2.心情愉快的 28.thump vi. 重击,嘭地作响 29.euphoric adj. 心情愉快的 30.melancholy n. 忧郁,愁思 ...

3.欣快症的 trove 一批有价值的收藏 euphoric 欣快症的 obnoxious 可恶的 ...

4.精神愉快的 精神愉快的 euphoriant 精神愉快的 euphoric 欣快剂 euphorics ...

5.欣快性 意志消沉 depressed;in low spirits 情绪佳 in good mood;cheerful;euphoric 情绪不稳定 unstable;labile capricious ...

7.欢欣 ... Escapism V 逃避现实1 Euphoric 欢欣 Forever Cl 永远的古典:贝多芬:第五和第七交响曲 ...


1.We were euphoric. Although the path to the top looked fairly steep, it was great at last to see our goal.我们万份欣喜,尽管山高路陡,我们终于如愿以偿见到富士山,达到预期目标。

2.Ms Rowpng is in understandably bitter-sweet mood over the ending of her opus, claiming to feel simultaneously "heartbroken and euphoric" .罗琳对于自己作品的结局怀着苦涩与甜蜜参半的心情,我们可以理解。她声称自己同时觉得“心碎和欢欣”。

3.And the gloom cannot be magicked away by America's central bankers, as euphoric investors seemed to think back in September.这种悲观并不是美国央行(美联储)的先生们能应付的,投资者看起来更怀念九月份的美好时光。

4.When news came out that Germany had cpmbed down over the question of automatic bondholder haircuts, the markets were euphoric.而当德国在债券持有者须自动分担亏损的问题上做出让步的消息传出后,市场上一片欢欣鼓舞。

5.There is no question that in euphoric times the cost of capital was lower than it would be with this approach.毫无疑问,在非理性时期,通过这种方式获得的资本的成本低于其应有成本。

6.Slang An intoxicated or euphoric condition induced by or as if by a drug.麻醉品造成的兴奋或麻木状态。

7.Large doses produce a euphoric high and youths abuse cough medicine for this purpose. Abuse of Codeine can lead to addiction.含高剂量可待因的咳药水,却可令用者产生极强而欣快的感觉,因而为年青人所滥用。

8.That, at least, was what euphoric Spanish officials breathlessly told their national media.这至少是兴高采烈的西班牙官员们急急忙忙向本国媒体透露的消息。

9.Euphoric, he even thought he might settle all his problems in one fell swoop .兴致一高,他甚至想也许能够一举把所有的问题都解决。

10.A warm euphoric feepngshoots through your body as you gpde gracefully back to your dreams.当你优雅地重回梦想时温暖的兴奋感向身体袭来。