


美式发音: 英式发音: [vjet]


n.同“Viet Nam”



n.1.同“Viet Nam”


n.1.Same as Viet Nam

adj.1.Same as Vietnamese

1.越南语(Vietnamese) 泰国语 thai 越南语 viet 拉丁语系 scandinavian, ...

2.越南的越 ... 桢 vench viet 桩 vuagc ...

6.录用... ... 剥夺 vidf 录用 viet 逮逋 vige ...


1.Viet Nam can handle this problem, or not. Who cares? As long as the US stays out of it.越南可以处理好这个问题,或者不能?谁管它呢?只要美国不插手就好了。

2.By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government.1958年,越共游击队即越共开始与南越政府开战。

3.The committee ultimately reports to independent director Viet Dinh, who was an assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush.该委员会最终向独立董事VietDinh汇报,他曾任美国前总统小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)手下的助理总检察长。

4.I'm transferred to Viet Nam to do foreign trade for a year.我被调到越南做一年外贸工作。

5.If confirmed by the Ministry of Health, these latest two cases will bring the total in Viet Nam reported since mid-December to twelve.如果经卫生部确认,这两个最新病例将使越南自12月中以来报告的总数达到12例。

6.This point has not yet been reached, but the sinking has been reaching into central Thailand, Cambodia, and Viet Nam steadily.现在还没达到这个程度,但是下沉已经稳定地到达泰国中部,柬埔寨和越南。

7.French estimates were that the Viet Minh had minimal artillery support, and France was bound to win.据法国估计,越盟几乎没有大炮助阵,法军胜券在握。

8.Viet Dinh, a former US assistant attorney general close to Lachlan, is supervising the hacking scandal for the board.与拉克兰熟悉的前美国助理总检察长维耶•丁(VietDinh)正在为该集团董事会监督电话窃听丑闻一事。

9.Viet Nam is a low-income country with a health-care system that has seen considerable improvements and increased autonomy.越南是低收入国家,其卫生保健体系已经有了显著的改善,自主性有所增强。

10.Legislation to penapze adults whose children do not wear motorcycle helmets has been proposed in Viet Nam.越南已经提出立法惩罚那些不给自己孩子佩戴头盔的成人。