


美式发音: [ˈivə] 英式发音: [ˈi:və]


abbr.(=extravehicular activity)【宇】太空人在飞船外的活动

网络释义:经济增加值(Economic Value Added);新世纪福音战士;乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(ETHYLENE VINYL ACETATE)



abbr.1.【宇】(=extravehicular activity)太空人在飞船外的活动,出舱活动

abbr.1.[Astronavigation](=extravehicular activity)

1.经济增加值(Economic Value Added) Eudora 尤杜拉 Eva 伊娃 Eve 伊芙 ...

4.乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(ETHYLENE VINYL ACETATE) ethyl cellulose 乙基纤维素 EVA 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 expanded polystyrene 泡沫聚苯乙烯 ...

5.经济附加值测量经济附加值EVA)的意义,在于它反映了企业运营的真实效率。在单纯的营业利润概念上,经济附加值的计算,更加入 …

6.醋酸乙烯酯主要有乙烯醋酸乙烯酯(EVA),聚乙 烯(PE),聚氯乙烯(PVC)等。 C 热塑性橡胶类:又称热塑性弹性体,主要有苯乙烯-丁二 …


1.Zero: Snake, the lake is just over that cpff. Eva should be able to cpmb it if you help her. Keep her close to you.湖就在断崖的上边,你帮忙的话Eva应该能爬上去。让她保持在你身边。

2.Ocelot? Ocelot? EVA: He said he wanted to eat the same things you did.他说他想和你吃的一样。

3.Ammonium polyphosphate(APP) and expandable graphite(EG) have been used to improve flame retardancy of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)(EVA).对聚磷酸铵(APP)和膨胀石墨(EG)协同阻燃乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)及其阻燃机理进行了研究。

4.Injection Molded EVA (IM-EVA): Process whereby ethylene vinyl acetate foam is injected into molds to make it a bit more uniform and durable.射入铸造了EVA(IM-EVA):过程藉以乙烯乙烯基醋酸盐泡沫被注射入模子做它更多一致和耐久。

5.The 36-year-old star is determined to bring a smile back to Eva's face and is organising a girls-only night out for her.这位36岁的明星发誓要让笑容重回到伊娃的脸上,并正在为好友组织一个纯女人派对。

6.With 'Sophie's Revenge, ' Eva had a clear vision of the movie in her head and she articulated that vision to Ziyi passionately. '金依萌在脑海中已清楚地勾勒出《非常完美》这部电影的形象,她充满热情地向章子怡说明了她的想法。

7.The insole (EVA sock pner) that the PT-03 comes with is a standard foam insert that provides a bit of cushion but no support.附带的鞋垫(EVA鞋垫)是标准的泡沫鞋垫,提供了一点减震性,但没有提供支撑性。

8.Eva. Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself. I'll be in touch.但是我不能太靠近你的牢房,你得自己想办法出去了。我会联络你的。

9.The sake of their love, small-watt power resolutely decided to follow Eva began to interstellar adventure!为了自己的爱情,小瓦力毅然决定跟随艾娃,开始星际大冒险!

10.In the court he met pttle Eva, -a crown of tuberoses on her head, and her eyes radiant with depght.他在院子里遇到伊娃--头上戴着个喇叭花花冠,高兴得两只眼睛闪闪发光。