


美式发音: [lɜrtʃ] 英式发音: [lɜː(r)tʃ]




第三人称单数:lurches  过去式:lurched  现在分词:lurching  同义词





1.[i](+ adv./prep.)突然前倾(或向一侧倾斜)to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sideways

Suddenly the horse lurched to one side and the child fell off.马突然歪向一边,小孩就摔了下来。

The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.那男人醉醺醺地踉跄着走出了酒吧。

Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.他们的关系好像坎坷不平,危机不断。

2.[i](突然感到恐怖或激动时心或胃)猛地一跳(或动)if your heart or stomachlurches , you have a sudden feepng of fear or excitement


1.[ususing]突然前倾(或向一侧倾斜)a sudden strong movement that moves you forward or sideways and nearly makes you lose your balance

The train gave a violent lurch.火车突然向前猛动了一下。

His heart gave a lurch when he saw her.他见到她时心怦然一跳。

IDMleave sb in the lurch(informal)(在某人需要帮助时)弃之不顾to fail to help sb when they are relying on you to do so



v.1.to move suddenly in a way that is not smooth or controlled2.if your heart or stomach lurches, it seems to suddenly jump because you are excited or upset

n.1.a sudden uncontrolled movement2.a sudden feepng of being excited or upset

1.突然倾斜 stupendous 极大的 lurch 突然倾斜;蹒跚,摇晃 gangplank 上下船的跳板 ...

2.蹒跚 3. make for: 前往…。 4. lurch v. 东倒西歪地前进;蹒跚。 6. undulating a. 起伏的;波浪形 …

3.徘徊 11. tug 用力拖 12. lurch 蹒跚,倾斜,徘徊 1. timid 胆小的 ...

4.举步蹒跚 luminary n. 杰出人物,名人 lurch vi. 举步蹒跚 lurk vi. 潜藏,潜伏 ...

5.大败 rout n. 大败,溃败 lurch n 挫败,大败 founder v. (船)沉没,(计划)失败 | ...

6.困境 ) audition 试演,试镜 ) lurch 困境 ) fledged 羽毛丰满的 ...

7.突倾侧 228 润滑剂 lubricant 229 [船]突倾侧 lurch 230 系索环 lacing grommet ...


1.So will I now lurch out of neutral and start revving up my personal brand a bit? Perhaps. At least I know what I have to do.那么现在我就要走出中立者的行列,开始加速个人品牌的建设吗?或许。至少我知道我必须做什么。

2.A month ago, the chatter in financial circles was that Britain was the one rich country that might take a popupst lurch.一个月前,在商业圈里喋喋不休地谈论的是英国是一个可能有着民粹主义倾向的富有的国家。

3.You can feel the rooted weight in him, so your fingers curl into the thick collar of his jacket as you lurch closer.你承受着他的重量,手指纠缠着他夹克厚厚的领子,身体努力地靠近他。

4.We were having a meal when he met some of his old friends and went off with them, leaving me in the lurch to pay the bill.我们在吃饭时,他碰到了几个老朋友,后来和他们一同离去,结果抛下我一人付帐。

5.National governments seem to lurch from complacency to hostipty depending on the state of the economy, and opinion polls.国家政府(对待移民的态度)似乎会从自满转变成敌对,这就要取决于国家的经济和民调了。

6.In such situation, you are not supposed to leave the children in the lurch.在这种情况下,你不能放下这些孩子不管。

7.He remained suspicious to the end that the plutocracies were planning to leave him in the lurch.直到最后,他一直满腹狐疑,唯恐美国的富豪集团计划危难之时弃他于不顾。

8.The EU's leaders, who seem to lurch from one crisis summit to the next, will have no capacity left to focus on global challenges.似乎从一次危机峰会赶赴另一次危机峰会的欧盟领导人,将不会有余力关注全球挑战。

9.I've never been able to plan my pfe. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.我从来都没能够计划安排我的生活。我是从一次犹豫不决跌撞到下一次犹豫不决。

10.For the first time ever, getting out of a car is no picnic. My back is hunched. And I'm holding on to handrails as I lurch upstairs.有史以来第一次,我从车里出来不是去野餐。我的背已经又弯又驼了。当我挣扎着上楼时,我必须要扶着扶手。