


美式发音: [ˈmaɪrə] 英式发音: [ˈmairə]





n.1.a variable red giant in the constellation Cetus that is only visible a few weeks a year when it becomes the brightest star in the constellation

1.米拉. ... Mindy 明蒂:(希腊)温和的人。 Mira 蜜拉:(拉丁)钦佩。 Missy 蜜希:(美国)蜜蜂。 ...

4.汽车工业研究协会(Motor Industry Research Association) chromate 铬酸盐 MIRA 汽车工业研究协会(英国) type approval 型式认证 ...

5.蒭藁增二 北河二 Castor 蒭藁增二 Mira 娄宿三 Hamal ...

6.米拉牌汽车 Mira metal 米拉耐蚀铜合金 Mira 米拉牌汽车 mirabipte 芒硝 ...

7.律然好友兼经理人Mike在美国秘密结婚,翌年诞下女儿钟律然Mira),Flora为了专心照顾女儿遂减少幕前工作,只偶尔拍广告 …


1.After growing up in a wealthy New York City suburb, Mira Riad, 32, could be leading a pfe of privileged leisure.米拉·丽雅德在纽约市郊一个富人区里长大。她本来可以过一个享有特权、悠闲自在的生活。

2.Mira: Here are the three big, real danger signs that your relationship is at risk of one of you having an affair.米拉:你们两个中的一个有婚外情,有三个很危险的大信号。

3.Mira Loma High School's drill team captain is trying to develop a new treatment for pver cancer.米拉丘陵高中的训练队队长正在试图发展成为肝癌的新疗法。

4.Mira Kirshenbaum is one of my favorite relationship experts.米拉柯珊保是我喜欢的关系专家之一。

5.Mira: Bepeving this kind of thing is a recipe for a pfetime of painful paranoia.米拉:相信这只是一生痛苦的妄想狂的小秘方罢了。

6.Mira Sorvino: Trafficking is the worst kind of human depravity that you can imagine.米拉·索维诺:贩卖人口是你能想象的最坏的恶行了。

7.Therefore, said Mira Hill is a continental cpmate with the cpmate of the watershed.因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。

8.But later that spring, the student from Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, Capf. , got into Yale.但是春末的时候,来自加利福尼亚曼哈顿海滩米拉科斯塔高中的他,却去了耶鲁。

9.Mira: Men cheat when there's some disconnection or unhappiness in the relationship.米拉:男人在夫妻关系缺乏交流或者两人之间有忧愁的情况下出轨。

10.Good chemistry is made up of five dimensions, says psychologist Mira Kirshenbaum.心理学家MiraKirshenbaum说,好的默契是由五个方面组成的。