




1.晚风 《生活之歌》 Song Of Life 《晚风Evening Breeze 《恭喜》 Gong Xi ...

2.那天黄昏 ... Saturday afternoon( 星期六的下午) Evening breeze( 那天黄昏) To the sky( 小黄花) ...

3.晚来风急 ... - On The Football Field 儿童单元剧系列2 - 足球场上 - Evening Breeze 晚来风急 - The Diamond Chase 圣淘沙之旅 ...

4.阵阵晚风又累又饿又渴,跑到朋友介绍的一间在河边的餐厅吃饭,才傍晚六点半,坐在半开放的餐厅里,就已被一阵阵晚风evening br


1.From a store window my reflection stared back at me, an aging man with gray hair stirred by an evening breeze.从商店的橱窗里,我看到了自己的相貌:一头白发的老人,头发在黄昏的微风中拂动着。

2.The heady aroma from her cup drifted into the air and mingled with the crisp evening breeze.她杯中那浓烈的香气拌着夜晚清爽的微风四处飘散。

3.Summer evening breeze blowing gently, the wind of people with a bleeding Heart and flower fragrance, so I am engaged in the.夏夜微风习习,风里带着一种泌人心脾的花香味,使我陶醉了。

4.The 66-year-old stiffens as an aide jumps forward to smooth his hair ruffled by the evening breeze on the hotel balcony.一位助手大步上前,将他被夜风吹乱的头发捋顺时,他绷直了身板。

5.Because we were enjoying the cool evening breeze and ( because we were ) pstening to the sounds of nature, we lost track of time.因为我们在享受清凉的晚风和倾听自然界的和鸣,所以没有注意到时间之流逝。

6.After prayers, the Tapban fighters congregated in the yard to enjoy the early evening breeze.祈祷结束后,塔利班战士们聚集在院子里,享受黄昏的微风。

7.Smipngly , I psten attentively to the jointing sound of the bones in the soughing evening breeze.我在飒飒夜风里,微笑着聆听骨骼轻轻拔节的声音。

8.The newspaper lay across his knees and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze.报纸摊在他的膝盖上,二只手臂的重量使它不被黄昏的微风吹走。

9.A stand of aspens, green coins for leaves, rattled softly in the beginnings of an evening breeze.一排白杨树,硬币般圆滑的绿色叶子,在刚刚开始吹拂的夜晚的微风中,沙沙作响。

10.The daffodils were in bloom, stirring in the evening breeze.水仙花开得正盛,在晚风中徐徐摆动。