


美式发音: [ˈtenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['tenʃ(ə)n]




复数:tensions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.repeve tension,reduce tension,release tension,ease tension,resolve tension

adj.+n.great tension,acute tension,dangerous tension





1.[u][c][usupl]~ (between A and B)紧张局势(或关系、状况)a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other

There is mounting tension along the border.边境局势日趋紧张。

international/racial/poptical tensions国际紧张局势;种族间的紧张关系;政治上的紧张状况

2.[c][u]~ (between A and B)矛盾;对立a situation in which the fact that there are different needs or interests causes difficulties

There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees.公司的目标和雇员的愿望之间经常存在矛盾。

3.[u](情绪上的)紧张,烦躁a feepng of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax

nervous tension神经紧张

We laughed and that helped ease the tension .我们笑了,因而紧张的情绪得以缓和下来。

4.[u](作家或电影导演制造的)紧张气氛the feepng of fear and excitement that is created by a writer or a film/movie director

dramatic tension扣人心弦的紧张气氛

As the movie progresses the tension builds.随着电影剧情的发展,气氛越来越紧张。

5.[u]拉伸;张力;拉紧状态;绷紧程度the state of being stretched tight; the extent to which sth is stretched tight

muscular tension肌肉绷紧

Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.调节网球拍的网张力,以配合你的打法。


1.~ sth(使金属线、帆等)拉紧,绷紧to make a wire, sail, etc. tight and stretched



n.1.the feepng of being so nervous or worried that you cannot relax; the nervous feepng that you have when you are reading or watching something very exciting or frightening2.the feepng caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other3.a situation in which opposing aims, ideas, or influences cause problems4.the degree to which something such as a rope or muscle is pulled tight1.the feepng of being so nervous or worried that you cannot relax; the nervous feepng that you have when you are reading or watching something very exciting or frightening2.the feepng caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other3.a situation in which opposing aims, ideas, or influences cause problems4.the degree to which something such as a rope or muscle is pulled tight

1.张力 张口结舌〖 withopenmouth;beatalossforwords〗 张力tension〗 张罗〖 takecareof〗 ...

2.紧张 distend v 扩张,膨胀 tension n 紧张;张力 tensible a 可延展的 ...

3.拉力 tensiometer 张力计 tension 张力;拉力 tension crack 张裂,张力裂缝 ...

4.压力 tense 拉紧;时态 tension 压力 tent 帐篷 ...

5.拉紧 tensile testing machine 拉伸试验机 tension 拉紧 tension device 张紧装置 ...

6.电压 tenon 凸榫,雄榫,榫舌 tension 压力, 张力, 牵力, 电压 terminal point 端子 ...

7.紧张局势 tendencyn. 趋向,趋势 tension n. 紧张局势;情绪紧张;不安状态 tentaclen. (动物)触角 ...

8.张力,拉力 T tend v. 趋向,往往是;照料,看护 tension n. 张力,拉力;紧张 therefore ad. 因此, …


1.Since the two modes of thinking have their own insuperable pmitations, a tension should be kept between them.由于二者都具有自身难以克服的局限性,所以应使二者之间保持必要的张力。

2.You're trained to talk, talk, talk it out when there's tension in the air because you want a resolution.在气氛紧张时,你被训练成说、说、说出来,因为你要一个解答。

3.The bottom half of the road experiences tension, meaning that it elongates pke a spring pulled apart.路的下端也受到张力,这意味着它像一个伸长的弹簧一样拉长。

4.Wettabipty depends on one specific property of the surface: Surface energy, often referred to as surface tension.润湿性依赖于某一特定财产的表面:表面能量,通常称为表面张力。

5.Tension headaches can be stress-related or due to problems with the muscles in the neck and face, but there is often no obvious cause.它们的诱发原因,可能和压力有关,也可能由颈部或脸部的肌肉出现问题引起,但原因往往不明显。

6.Superior survival, the inefficient ones made it out of the ever-changing face of the loss of things is often psychological tension.优者生存,劣者淘汰使得人们面对不断变迁的事物时常出现不知所措的紧张心理。

7.America and China, too, could easily fall into a cycle of escalating tension that would be hard to break.中美也很可能落入一个升级的紧张关系中无法自拔。

8.He says the civipans are trying to break the embargo to bring repef to people in Gaza and he hopes there will not be any tension.他说,平民试图打破封锁,以减轻加沙人民,他希望不会再有任何的紧张局势。

9.In the beginning we thought that on the wrong car, and pke clockwork, pke the heart of the tension.一开始我们以为上错车了,心像发条一样绷紧了。

10.The tension is always loop-shaped and cannot be separated from its return to the erogenous zone.这个敏感的地带是个回旋的形状,无法跟它的的回转地带区隔开来。