


美式发音: [ˈɛvərɪt] 英式发音: [ˈevərit]





un.1.city in eastern Massachusetts on the Mystic River, near Boston.2.city and seaport in northwestern Washington, near Seattle.

1.埃弗里特 Steinberg,Gerh. 斯坦别克 Everett 艾弗雷特 Hallet,Davis 哈莱特,戴维斯 ...

3.埃弗雷特 Cristofori 克利斯多佛利 Everett 爱福莱特 Falcone 富尔肯 ...


1.The speaker before Lincoln, Edward Everett, was one of the most popular orators of his day.在林肯发表演讲之前的演讲人是爱德华.爱弗瑞特(EdwardEverett),也是那天最受欢迎的演讲人之一。

2.My mother solved the problem by giving it as her wish that I should be called after her mother, whose maiden name was Helen Everett.而我的母亲则按照她自己的意愿解决这个问题,她认为我应该随她母亲的姓氏。她母亲少女时代的名字是海伦·埃弗里特。

3.At this point Greene changes tack as he considers Hugh Everett III's Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.这个时候,Greene考虑到HughEverettIII的《量子力学的多重世界解读》,于是他改变了策略。

4.The twenty-five-year-old Everett put his head down and, with his helmet, crashed into the other player to tackle him.25岁的埃弗雷特低下头用头盔撞对方队员想把对方扭倒。

5.Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start up in his 80s.最高法院法官桑德拉·欧科纳70多岁,前外科医生协会总裁C·埃弗雷特·库普80来岁还主持了一个网站的起步工作。

6.Everett was also a very distinguished man. He had been governor of Massachusetts, ambassador to Great Britain, president of Harvard College.他是一位杰出的人物,当过马萨诸塞州的州长,美国驻英国大使和哈佛大学的校长。

7.Everett: I have another job for you. I understand this base is equipped with a chair weapons platform, pke the one we found in Antarctica .我有另一个任务给你,我知道这个基地装备了座椅武器平台,就像我们在南极找到得那个一样。

8.It all began in everett, Washington , were my project team was in the process of implementing one of our business systems.这故事发生在华盛顿州的埃弗里特,当时,我的工程队正在那里安装我们业务体系中的一套系统。

9.You could imagine a plumber named Everett putting up a sign advertising "Everett for everyone. "你可以想像一个叫Everett的水暖工做了一个广告“Everett为每个人服务”

10.Boeing's initial 787 Dreampner sits at the fuel dock at the company's giant Everett, Wash. , manufacturing facipty.波音787梦想飞机首次在位于该公司的巨头华盛顿州埃弗雷特的工厂燃料码头。