


美式发音: [ˈkiːtəʊ] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Ecuador

1.基多 Sanaa 也门 Quito 厄瓜多尔 Fort-de-France 马提尼克 ...

4.基多市 ... 厄瓜多尔基多 Quito,Ecuador 墨西哥萨卡特卡斯大教堂 Zacatecas Cathedral,Mexico,1612 ...



1.Nonetheless, a few walls in Quito have been spray-painted with an end-of-days-pke slogan: "Assange is coming. Get ready. "尽管如此,在基多,几块墙壁上也被喷上了类似世界末日的标语:“阿桑奇要来了。做好准备。”

2.Instead, they think of it as an art, and a part of Quito 's urban culture.相反的,民众认为这是一种艺术,是基多都会文化的一部分。

3.The president took refuge in a Quito hospital before he was rescued in a nighttime raid by loyal troops.科雷亚在基多的一所医院寻求庇护,之后在一次夜间突袭中被忠于自己的部队解救。

4.And a crop of upscale hotels has arrived, including a JW Marriott, making Quito a glorious new center in the so-called Middle of the World.这里有包括万豪酒店在内的世界一流酒店,使得基多无愧为“世界中部旅游新中心”的称号。

5.OPEC's gathering in Quito two days ago was the seventh meeting with no change in output quotas.两天前欧佩克在基多的会议是第十七次没能在输出配额的作出改变的会议。

6.At the moment I work in the human resources department of Schlumberger in Quito as LDAP Administrator and Local Registration Authority.现在,我在Quito的Schlumberger的人力资源部工作,职务是LDAP网络管理员和本地注册职权。

7.Ecuadoran demonstrators set fire to a tire in the middle of a street during clashes around Central University in Quito January 19, 2006.在厄瓜多首都基多中央大学附近发生的冲突中,示威群众当街放火烧轮胎。

8.Acosta left the government in 2009 and is now a professor at the University of Quito and an open supporter of leaving the oil underground.Acosta2009年离开了政府,他现在是Quito大学的教授,公开鼓吹把石油留在地下。

9.The cartel left its official production levels unchanged at a meeting last month in Quito, Ecuador.在上月于厄瓜多尔首都基多举行的会议上,欧佩克维持官方产量水平不变。

10.External wall useful gold leaf enchase city of Quito founders have sucre general name, nosocomial mausoleum.外墙上有用金叶镶嵌的基多城奠基者姓名,院内有苏克雷将军的陵墓。