




1.每天晚上 ... —Seldom. 极少。 —Every evening. 每天晚上。 —How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎样去上学? ...

2.每个夜晚 ... 每个早晨 every morning 每个夜晚 every night;every evening 每个星期 every week ...

3.每一个夜晚 ... Every evening,every hour, 每一个夜晚,每一个小时, every day where are you now? 每一天你在那 …

4.每天黄昏ne)财务总监Andy Halford表示,公司「每天黄昏」(every evening)都从希腊调走现金,预防希腊脱离欧罗区风险;葛兰 …

5.毎晩 ... 毎朝 every morning 毎晩 every evening 毎日 everyday ...


1.I came out of a theater, where I used to spend every evening in the proscenium boxes in the role of an ardent wooer.我走出剧院,过去我习惯每天晚上以热情的追求者身份出现在前台包厢里。(注十七)

2.Every evening, the bank deletes whatever remains of the sum that you failed to use during the day.每天晚上都清除你在这一天没有花完的账户余额。

3.I used to out every evening but I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies.我以前每天晚上出去玩,但我已决定改过自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力学习。更详细。

4.The old man's name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening because he is lonely. His wife died and he has no children.这个老人的名字叫比尔,比尔每天晚上在餐馆吃晚餐因为他很孤单,他的妻子死了而且他没有孩子。

5.We sat down to dinner every evening as a family, even if it meant waiting for Marvin to return from a ten or twelve mile run.作为家人,我们每晚都一起吃晚饭,即使这意味着我们要等marvin跑完10或者12公里的步回来。

6.B: "I now see two students every evening, six days a week, and we're usually fully booked, " she said.现在,我每天晚上都会给两位学生作心理辅导,每周六天,而我们的预约通常都是满的。

7.Although boring training takes us a plenty of time, the dancing of every evening makes us very relaxed.尽管枯燥的训练占据了我们大部分时间,但是每天晚上的舞会让我们都感觉很轻松。

8.At eight o'clock every evening she laid aside whatever she was doing to tell the children a story before they went to bed.每晚一到8点,她就丢掉手头在做的一切,给孩子们讲故事,以让他们睡觉。

9.Sometimes I could be working all day, every evening, all weekend, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.有时我们需要整天工作,每天晚上,所有的周末都要工作,如果我不喜欢也不会这样做。

10.Would you please pe down on th sofa? Hum. . . it doesn't seem to be too serious. Just take two of these pills every evening.请你躺在沙发上好吗?嗯…,好像不太严重。每天晚上吃两粒药。