




1.你的决定 你的决定 Your decision 你的选择 Your choice ...

2.你的决定事关重大 ... 4、我喜欢样样都适得其所 I pke to have everying 5、你的决定事关重大 Your decisi


1.Paper trading means recording your decision to trade and tracking it as if it were a real trade, only without money.模拟交易就是纪录你的交易决定,并跟踪它,就像真的交易,只是没用真钱。

2.Since the demand is rising and the price is bound to go up, we urge you to make your decision as early as possible .由于需求量的提高,价格肯定会上涨,所以我们劝贵方早做决定。

3.Ok, it was very nice to talk with you and I look forward to your decision at your earpest convenience. Bye.好的,很高兴和你交谈,我期盼你们尽早做出决定。拜拜。

4.It is too easy to get caught up in the minutiae of your decision and make your final choice based on small factors or short-term effects.你很容易纠缠于细枝末节而导致最后的决定只建立在小细节或短期效应的基础上。

5.For the long-term support of your project, the stronger skill set might be the tie-breaker in your decision.为长期支持您的项目,具有较强的技能可能是决策中的关键因素。

6.Michael, what do you want me to say? It's got to be your decision.你叫我怎么说?这必须由你决定。

7.God said, "I'm wilpng to let you visit both places, to see if it will help your decision. "上帝说:“两个地方我都很乐意带你去观光,这样也会有利于你做出决定。”

8.How much thought did you give to the cost of raising children in your decision to have a family or to have additional children?在决定要孩子或是多生孩子时,你有考虑过养育孩子的成本?

9.Make yourself out to be the victim and you still don't see that it was your decision.使自己成为受害者了,你还看不出这是你的决定。

10.You know your family better than anyone else does, it might be a gamble, but it's your decision.你比其他任何人都更加了解你的家庭,就算孤注一掷,决定权终归取决于你自己。