


美式发音: [ˈɛlbə] 英式发音: [ˈelbə]





un.1.mountainous island off the western coast of Italy, the place of Napoleon's first period of exile (1814-1815)

1.厄尔巴岛 19.法格 FAGOR 20.爱芭 elba 21.林内 Rinnai ...


6.航空器上之紧急定位台(emergency location beacon-aircraft)emergency location beacon-aircraft (ELBA) 航空器上之紧急定位台emergency locator transmitter 紧急定位发报机emergency o…


1.The emperor made an impressive comeback from his exile on Elba, but it lasted only a momentous "hundred days" (111, to be precise).那位皇帝从他在厄尔巴岛的流放地重新崛起令人印象深刻,但是只持续了“一百天”(准确的说,是111天)。

2.When Napoleon was forced into exile on Elba, the only unit he was allowed to have with him as the guards were the Popsh Lancers.当拿破仑本人被放逐厄尔巴岛时,唯一被允许跟随他但当警卫的便是那支波兰枪骑兵。

3.Two hours afterwards he came on deck, as the boat was about to double the Island of Elba.两小时后,他又回到了甲板上,船已快要绕过厄尔巴岛了。

4.Napoleon, in the Island of Elba, is too near France, and his proximity keeps up the hopes of his partisans.那在厄尔巴岛上的拿破仑,离法国仍然太近了,由于他近在咫尺,他的信徒们就会仍然抱有希望。

5.as to losing a day and a half off the Island of Elba, he was wrong, unless the vessel needed repairs.至于在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半的事儿,是他的错,除非这只船有什么故障。

6.In the case of Edwards or Spitzer, that meant banishment to a poptical Elba.在爱德华兹或斯皮策那,这意味着政治流放。

7.Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated as emperor of France and was banished to the island of Elba.年,拿破仑退出法兰西王位,被放逐到厄尔巴岛。

8.Washington (CNN) -- "The Elba option is impossible in the modern world, " sighed an unhappy German diplomat.华盛顿,CNN——“埃尔巴不再是现代世界的选择了。”一位德国外交家不高兴地表示。

9.France's Napoleon Bonaparte returns to Paris and regains power after escaping exile on the island of Elba.1815年,法国的拿破仑波拿巴在逃离流放地厄尔巴岛后,回到巴黎,重新夺取了政权。

10.Elba is a small, scenic island off the coast of Tuscany.埃尔巴是座落于托斯卡纳海岸外的美丽小岛。