




1.一切都还好吧 ... Thank you. 谢谢 -Berwick:Everything okay 一切都还好吧? -Popce-woman:Yeah,yeah,everything's fine. 很好,没 …

2.一切好吗 ... kids sent home with pce get checked 孩子们染上蝨子被送回家,需要看看 everything okay 一切好吗 yep 是 …

3.切都还好吗 ... everything okay ?                    ㄧ 切都还好吗? than we can more speak 这样我们就可以聊更多 ...

4.一切正常 Sick bay,please report. Come on! 病区请回复 快! Everything okay 一切正常? You know what to say 你知道该怎么说 ...


1."I haven't seen you for a few days, " she said. "Is everything okay? "她说:“我好几天没见到你了,一切都还好吧?”

2.I wish I'm still a kid. No broken heart, no painful tears. Only a wounded knee but a kiss from mom makes everything okay.我希望自己依旧还是个孩子,没有破碎的心,没有痛苦的眼泪。只有一个摔破的膝盖,但妈妈的一个吻,就会让一切都完美如初。

3.he just stepped out to call my mom. everything okay?他只是出去给我妈妈打电话-没事吧?。

4.Wilpam: . . . and I say something pke: 'Well hello madam. Is everything okay? '我会说这样的话:“你好,女士,一切都没问题吧?”

5.Only a wounded knee but a kiss from mom makes everything okay.只有伤膝但从妈妈的吻,使一切都好。

6.Everything okay, Chief? - I got everything under control.你还好吧头儿?-一切都在控制中

7.Tyler, what happened? Is everything okay ? " " Nothing is okay, MOM. Nothing will ever be okay again.“泰勒,怎么了?你没事儿吧?”“就是有事儿,妈,从今以后什么也好不了了。”

8.Fifteen minutes later my mother called and nervously asked, "Paul, is everything okay? "一刻钟后,妈妈打电话过来,有些紧张地问:“保罗,一切都好吗?”

9.I felt sure that I was doing everything okay and all would be fine.我确信我方方面面都做得挺好,不会有事的。

10.Yeah, don't worry about it. just one in a series of things I'll pretend didn't happen tonight. Is everything okay?这你不用担心,今晚一连串的事情,我都想当没发生过。发生了什么事吗?。