




1.日算 DAX 德国综合指数 Day count 日算 Day order 当日指令 ...

2.计日惯例介 3程式设计 I If then else 与 日数计算(day count) 6程式设计 II For loop 与 现值计算 6程式设计 III 债券评价与牛顿法勘根 ...


1.The Day Count Fraction is used to determine the number of days in the Calculation Period for which a Fixed Amount is payable.日计数分数是用来确定一个固定数额支付的计算期间的天数。

2.Using a day-by-day count, Euro-American astronomers could finally synchronize their calendars with the Maya Priests.使用逐日计算法,欧美的天文学家最后终于能够使他们的历法与玛雅祭司同步。

3.Thompson's projection used a day-by-day count to cross -reference the Mayan to the European calendar rather than a count of years.汤普森的设想是作用逐天计算去勾划——涉及了玛雅到欧洲的历法,而不是年的计算。

4.Make each day count - learn, help, make laugh, teach, enjoy. . . whether yourself or someone else.另每一天都重要-学习、帮助、大小、教授、享受…不论是一个人还是和别人。

5.Rose: You look for treasure in the wrong place, Mr. Lovett. Only pfe is priceless, and making each day count.真正的宝藏不是这个,Lovett先生。只有生命才是无价的,我们要珍惜每一天。

6.Note : To convert between calendar formats, you must first convert to Jupan day count , then to the calendar format .注意:在不同的日历系统中转换,必须先将其转换为儒略日计数,然后转换为目标日历格式。

7.The GregorianToJD() function converts a date from the Gregorian calendar to Jupan day count.函数的作用是:将格里高里历转为儒略日计数。

8.Still can how, do one day count one day lor. Unless got better door road.还能怎样,做一天算一天咯。除非有更好的门路。

9.Have a good day, count your blessings, and pass this along to remind everyone else, how blessed we all are.珍惜你的现在,珍惜你获得的祝福,并传达你的爱意给每一个身边的人,告诉他们我们是多么幸福。

10.Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.不要计时度日,要使每个小时都有意义。