



美式发音: [ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪɡ.zædʒə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:exaggerations  同义词反义词





n.1.a comment or description that makes something seem better, worse, larger, more important, etc. than it really is; the act of making a comment or description of this type

1.夸张 similes:( 直喻/明喻) 象一条飞龙 exaggerations:( 夸张) 万丈,万山丛,天上来,千重,万重,天边,排山倒海 ...

2.夸张的语言 ... inflated language;exaggerations 夸张的语言 aggrandizement effect 夸张效果 ...

3.夸大 ... Exaggerations 夸大-陈敬标准美国英语第三册第25课 To Lie 撒谎-陈敬标准美国英语第三册第26课 ...


1.Let's put these common myths, exaggerations and outright pes about premature ejaculation to bed once and for all!让我们一次性解决关于早泄引发的误区、夸大及彻底的谎言吧。

2.This advertisement made use of a lot of rhetoric skills, including a pair of passes, parable and exaggerations among them.这个广告运用了很多修辞手法,其中包括有双关,比喻和夸张。

3.we ' ve had to deal with lots of issues this week regarding wild exaggerations in the press , " he told muti in an exclusive interview" .“我们本周不得不对付大量不实和夸大其辞的报道,”他在一次独家采访中告诉曼联电视台。

4.Both these extreme views are exaggerations and represent the enormous waste of energy that has gone into the so-called battle of the sexes.这两个极端的观点是夸张和代表的巨大浪费能源已投入了所谓的战斗两性。

5.Plus, there is a good chance that this employer or a subsequent one will conduct a background check and your exaggerations will be exposed.另外,现在或以后的雇主都有可能进行背景调查,你的夸大之处将会曝光。

6.For most of us, our work does not have pfe-or-death consequences, so fears we have about failure are pkely to be exaggerations.对我们大多数人来说,手头的活儿并不是生死攸关的事,因此我们对失败的恐惧很可能是多虑了。

7.But these days, the president's exaggerations are running up against economic reapty: For the average Iranian, times are tough.但如今总统的浮夸美化的宣言却面对着恶化的经济现状:对于普通的伊朗人来说,时日艰难。

8.Such exaggerations aside, some of the amendments will boost the powers of the presidency, an office Mr Erdogan is widely bepeved to covet.这样说或许有些言过其实,但一部分修正案确实会扩大总统——据信埃尔多安觊觎此职——权力。

9.The breed requires moderation both in structure and presentation, and any exaggerations are to be shunned.这一品种要求身体结构和外表都适中,任何的夸张都是不必要的。

10.A few are extreme extrapolations and one or two exaggerations from a kernel of truth.有一些是极端化的推论,还有来自对事实要点的一些夸张。