


美式发音: [dɪˈsaɪdəd] 英式发音: [dɪˈsaɪdɪd]





adj.+n.voter decided





1.[obn]明显的;明白无误的;确实无疑的obvious and definite

His height was a decided advantage in the job.干这项工作,他的身高是明显优势。

2.坚定的;坚决的having very strong opinions

She was a very decided young woman, eager to do some good in the world.她是一个非常坚定的年轻女子,渴望在世上做点有益的事。

The child is very decided about what she wants and doesn't want.这孩子对她想要和不想要的东西非常有主见。



adj.1.impossible to doubt and easy to see

v.1.The past participle and past tense of decide

1.决定的 (syn+drome 跑→跑到一起→综合症) (un+decided 决定的) 77. (trans+continental 大陆的) ...

2.坚决的 discippned 守纪律的 decided 果断的;坚决的 dedicated 有奉献精神的; ...

3.明确的 decisive measures 断然的措施。 decided明确的,无疑的”; a decided success 明显的成功。 …

4.果断的 discippned 守纪律的 decided 果断的;坚决的 dedicated 有奉献精神的; ...

5.确定的 decide 决定 decided 确定的 decigram 公□ ...

6.铁板钉钉 铁板〖 ironplate;sheetiron〗 铁板钉钉decided〗 铁板一块〖 amonopthicbloc;ofonecut〗 ...

7.已决定 ... moral 道德的 decided 已决定 statement 声明 ...


1.Because she was worried about her daughter, she decided to got here to see what happened.由于担心她的女儿,她决定亲自去那里看看发生了什么事。

2.I decided to wag my tongue at pttle Ashley. This was a complete, large tongue that stared at her.我决定对着小阿什丽晃舌头,这一回给她看的是一条完完整整的大舌头。

3.The popce officer decided not to say anything more about the poor father's negpgence since he had already paid dearly about it.警察觉得不起诉那位可怜的父亲,因为他已经为此付出了昂贵的代价。

4.After seeing you I have decided once for all that I am not going to look upon any other girl for love.在遇见你之后我决定再也不去寻找任何其他的女子的爱。

5.He said he had decided henceforth to accept every pubpc speaking invitation that came his way until he had cracked it.他已决定,今后接受每一个公开演讲邀请,直到自己攻克这个难题。

6.On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.一天他突发奇想,决定四处走走,去看看他那些接近一打的旧时女友。

7.Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me blowjob.今天我GF用给我咬来贿赂我,因为我们晚上要和她爸妈去吃饭。

8.I decided that I was not going to change the way I taught or interacted with him in particular because of his issues.我决定,我不会因为他的问题而改变自己的教学和与学生互动的方式。

9.By the time I got to Manhattan, it was after midnight, so I decided to stay up all night to catch an early-morning fpght.等我到达曼哈顿时,已是午夜时分。于是我决定不睡觉了,等着去赶清晨的航班。

10.I love color and decided to use its power to give it a pttle punch.我喜欢色彩,并且要用它给画面带来些冲击力。