



美式发音: [ˈkænɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kænɪb(ə)l]




复数:cannibals  同义词





n.1.someone who eats human flesstrong.an animal that eats other animals of its own type

1.食人族 09 If you were here tonight 今夜你在不在 马特·高斯 10 Cannibals 食人者 马克·诺普勒 11 The 13rd 13 号 治疗乐队 ...

3.兽性 九十九个女人 / 99 women / Island of Despair 兽性 / Cannibals 西班牙苍蝇 / spanish fly ...

4.野人问题描述:设有3个传教士(Missionaries)和3个野人(Cannibals)来到河边,打算乘一只船从右岸渡到左岸去。该船的最大负荷 …

5.食人生番通篇从头至尾,非洲人都被称作“野人(savages)”、“食人生番cannibals)”、“畜牲(brutes)”等。作者对黑人的歧视和厌恶 …


1.The two men found themselves in the Marquesas Islands, where they accidentally wandered into the company of a tribe of cannibals.这两名男子发现自己的马克萨斯群岛,在那里他们无意中闯入该公司的一个部落的食人族。

2.Braddy said the sea scorpions also were cannibals that fought and ate one other, so it helped to be as big as they could be.布拉迪说这种海蝎属于同类相食的物种,它们相互攻击彼此为食,这种争斗促使它们尽可能长得更大些。

3.She carried herself into the churchyard, awed by her own temerity, feepng pke an explorer in a land of cannibals.姑姑走进教堂的院子,被自己的草率给吓了一跳,好像是一个探险的人来到了食人族的领地。

4.The Morningside Cannibals: a circle of popte middle-class people who dined out on each other, with aid of a medical tissue incubator tank.晨边食人族:一圈体面的中产阶级一起出去吃晚饭,借助医疗组织培养皿吃对方。

5.They were evidently cannibals, and were going to hold one of their horrible feasts on their captives.他们显然食人族,并分别将持有其俘虏的可怕节日之一。

6."We ain't nothing but mammals. . . " Well, some of us cannibals.我们不过是脯汝类动物…噢不,其实有些是食人族。

7.Master, I psten to master said that this near really some cannibals, special people eat boiled apve.少爷,我听老爷说过,这个附近确实有些食人族,专门把人活活煮了吃。

8.When they have captured you, they will chop you to pieces without mercy, cook you, and eat you, for they are cannibals.等他们抓住你后会把你残忍地切成碎片,煮熟了吃了你,因为他们专门吃人。

9.A few carried obsidian-bladed daggers in case they had to fight neighboring tribespeople--some of whom were cannibals.少数人身上带有黑曜石刀身的匕首,以防必须与邻近部落的人们作战,有些邻近部落是食人族。

10.They were later shown in Germany, along with about 100 other New Caledonian Kanaks and described as "cannibals" .他们后来又和另外约100名新喀里多尼亚人一起在德国展出,并被称作“食人族”。