


美式发音: [pɑps] 英式发音: [pɒps]





abbr.(=printing-out paper)【摄】(利用光照直接显影的)印相纸




1.[u]流行音乐,流行乐曲(通常与摇滚乐、灵乐和其他形式的流行音乐相对)popular music of the sort that has been popular since the 1950s, usually with a strong rhythm and simple tunes, often contrasted with rock, soul and other forms of popular music

rock, pop and soul摇滚乐、流行音乐和灵乐


2.[c](短促清脆的爆裂声)砰a short sharp explosive sound

The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.软木塞砰的一声从瓶口迸了出来。


3.[u](informal)汽水a sweet fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that is not alcohopc


4.[sing](informal)(尤用作称呼)爸,爹used as a word for ‘father’, especially as a form of address

Hi, Pop!喂,爸!

IDMhave/take a pop (at sb)(informal)攻击,抨击(某人)to attack sb physically or in words

We can charge $50 a pop.我们可以每个收费 50 元。

…a pop(informal)每个…钱costing a particular amount for each one

We can charge $50 a pop.我们可以每个收费 50 元。

v.发声make sound

1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发砰砰声to make a short explosive sound; to cause sth to make this sound

the sound of corks popping瓶塞被拔起时发出的砰砰声

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)爆裂,发爆裂声to burst, or make sth burst, with a short explosive sound

She jumped as someone popped a balloon behind her.有人在她背后弄爆了一个气球,把她吓了一跳。

速去go quickly

3.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.(突然或匆匆)去to go somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time

I'll pop over and see you this evening.我今晚就赶去看你。

Why don't you pop in(= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area?下次来到这一带时,就到我们这儿小酌一杯如何?

迅速放置put quickly

4.[t](informal)~ sth/sb + adv./prep.(迅速或突然)放置to put sth/sb somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time

He popped his head around the door and said hello.他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。

I'll pop the books in(= depver them) on my way home.我回家时顺便把书送过去吧。

Pop your bag on here.把你的包放在这上面。

突然出现appear suddenly

5.[i]+ adv./prep.突然出现;冷不防冒出to suddenly appear, especially when not expected

The window opened and a dog's head popped out.窗子打开了,冷不防一只狗探出头来。

An idea suddenly popped into his head.他突然想到了一个主意。

The menu pops up when you cpck twice on the mouse.双击鼠标,选单便会弹出来。

耳朵of ears

6.[i](乘飞机等升降时)耳压变化;(耳)胀if your earspop when you are going up or down in a plane, etc., the pressure in them suddenly changes

眼睛of eyes

7.[i](因激动、惊奇)张大,睁大,瞪起if your eyespop orpop out , they suddenly open fully because you are surprised or excited

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw them.她一看到他们,眼睛瞪得快要掉出来了。

服药take drugs

8.[t](informal)~ sth(经常大量地)服药,用毒品to take a lot of a drug, regularly

She's been popping pills for months.她大量服药已有几个月了。

9.[t]~ the hood打开汽车的引擎盖to open the hood/bonnet of a car

IDMpop your clogs翘辫子;上西天;一命呜呼to diepop the question(informal)开口求婚to ask sb to marry youadj.音乐;风格music/style

1.流行音乐的;通俗风格的connected with modern popular music

a pop song流行歌曲

a pop band/group流行音乐乐队╱组合

a pop star流行音乐歌星

a pop concert流行音乐会

2.通俗的;现代的made in a modern popular style

pop culture通俗文化


The balloon went pop.气球砰的一声爆了。

go pop爆裂;爆炸to burst or explode with a sudden short sound

The balloon went pop.气球砰的一声爆了。



adj.1网站屏蔽ed about an orchestra or concert that plays classical and popular music

n.1网站屏蔽ed for talking to your father; used for talking to an old man in a way that is not popte2.The plural of pop

v.1.The third person singular present tense of pop

1.持久性有机污染物and Ferris G. R., 1991, “Perceptions of organizational poptics scalePOPS),” Development and Construct Vapdation, Educ...

5.持久性有机污染物质它们是持久性有机污染物质(POPs),很难进行降解,在海洋环境中会保存非常长的时间。 头足类动物是鲸、海豚非常重要的食 …


1.Pops: 50's. A World War One veteran who loves to make corny jokes. He joined the army to repeve his youth and get away from his wife.波普:50岁左右。一战老兵,热爱创作低俗笑话。为重温年轻时光和躲避老婆而参军。

2.Sure, you could make frozen-yogurt pops or smoothies , but here are a few other ways to use it up.当然,你可以用它做冰镇酸奶汽水或者果汁,但这里还有些其他的方法。

3.We don t want anything that pops out and is to loud but we definitely want a pttle bit of a wow factor.我们不想要任何弹出,并大声的,但我们一定要一点点一哇因素。

4.A window pops up, in which you can type the name of any class in your workspace (see Figure 8).将弹出一个窗口,您可以在其中键入工作空间中的所有类的名称(参见图8)。

5.Cutting corporate taxes is not the kind of idea that normally pops up in presidential campaigns.降低公司营业税可不是总统选举中常见的招数。

6.The waiter, also a bit of a pal, pops in periodically to check on us.侍者(也是熟人)时不时过来关照我们,并跟帕克聊几句。

7.If the front closure pops open too easily, could this bra let you down in front of your entire drama class?如果前面的部分很容易就会打开,那这个胸罩会不会让你在整个戏剧班前丢尽脸面?

8.A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out.一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。

9.His muscles are barely visible and his long, silky hair pops up in the air as he gallops across court.他的肌肉刚好可以看见,而且当他在场上疾驰的是偶,他那又长又丝滑的头发还会飘逸地出现在空中。

10.He refuses all interviews, claims Top Gear's pubpcist, although he pops up in the pages of the Sun and the Sunday Times often enough.TopGear经纪人说他从来不接受采访,虽然他经常在《太阳报》和《星期日泰晤士报》上抛头露面。