


美式发音: [ˈtʃɑklət] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɒklət]







1.[u]巧克力;朱古力a hard brown sweet food made from cocoa beans , used in cooking to add flavour to cakes, etc. or eaten as a sweet/candy

a bar/piece of chocolate一条╱一块巧克力

a chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕

a chocolate factory巧克力制造厂

2.[c]巧克力糖;夹心巧克力糖a sweet/candy that is made of or covered with chocolate

a box of chocolates一盒巧克力糖

3.[u][c]深褐色;巧克力色a dark brown colour



n.1.a sweet brown food used for making candy or flavoring other food; made from or tasting of chocolate; a small piece of candy made from chocolate2.a drink made by pouring hot water or milk over a sweet chocolate powder, or a cup of this drink3.a dark brown color

1.巧克力 法芙娜巧克力 Valrhona 巧克力 Chocolate 薯片 Chips ...

2.巧克力色 Chartreuse 黄绿色 Chocolate 巧克力色 Coffee! 咖啡色 ...

3.朱古力 Cassia siamea 铁刀木 chocolate 巧克力;朱古力 a bar/piece of chocolate 一条╱一块巧克力 ...

4.巧克力糖 Chinese a. 中国的 n.中国人 chocolate n. 巧克力;巧克力糖 choice n. 选择,抉择 ...

5.女拳霸 65.《卡萨诺瓦》( Casanova ) 66.《浓情巧克力》( Chocolate) 67.《洛丽 …

7.赭色 china 瓷器 chocolate 巧克力(糖),赭色 choose 选择,挑选;甘愿 ...

8.巧克力冰淇淋淋品种及价格大全: 香草冰淇淋(VANILLA)、巧克力冰淇淋(CHOCOLATE)、咖啡冰淇淋 (COFFEE)、蓝姆葡萄冰淇淋(RUMR…


1.If I took a bit out of it, you'd go, "Wait a second. That's not a cellphone. That's one of those new chocolate cellphones. "如果我拿走一部分,你会说,“等一下。那不是个手机。那是新型巧克力手机的一种。”

2.He knows that I sleep with a pillow over my head; I'll lock us out of the house at a regular basis, and I will also eat the last chocolate.他也知道我总是喜欢在头上放着枕头睡觉;把我们锁在屋外是我的家常便饭,还有我也会把盒子里最后一块巧克力吃掉。

3.In both the chocolate and the cheese examples, people's level of hunger had no effect on how much they ate.在巧克力和干酪例子中,人们的饥饿程度对他们吃多少产生没有影响了。

4.Sadly or more accurately happily I made it a few meters to the nearest cafe and settled down with a hot chocolate and a good book to wait.带着些许伤心和窃喜,我来到几米开外最近的一家咖啡店坐下,叫了一杯热巧克力,然后看着一本好书,等着晓敏。

5.If you try it out, you'll definitely have to report back with your favorite tea-hot chocolate combinations.如果自己来试试,你肯定会得出你最中意的搭配。

6.Freud probably could explain chocolate better than I. He was the first subject.弗洛伊德对巧克力的解释可能比我更好。他成为第一个主题。

7.Say you're crazy about chocolate, but you know that you can't keep eating several bars of it a day.有人说你为巧克力发疯,但你知道其实你一天之中并不是一直都在吃的。

8.Tina: It's depcious. I can see that you know all about the different types of chocolate.蒂娜:很好吃。我能看出来你了解各种各样的巧克力。

9.Caffeine is often found in coffee, teas, chocolate, soda and more, according to the U. S. National Library of Medicine.根据美国国家医学图书馆资料所说,咖啡因经常存在于咖啡、茶叶、巧克力、苏打等食物中。

10.As studies have come out promoting chocolate as a supplement to a healthy diet, the chocolate diet has come out as well.巧克力减肥法:随着学生们提出倡导巧克力作为一个健康饮食的补充,巧克力减肥法也应运而生。