



美式发音: [ˈeksərˌsaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈeksə(r)saɪz]




复数:exercises  现在分词:exercising  过去式:exercised  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.do exercise,take exercise,get exercise,exercise control,exercise care

adj.+n.regular exercise,aerobic exercise,vigorous exercise,strenuous exercise,healthy exercise



adj.isometrics,workout,body building,bodybuilding,keep fit

n.implementation,aerobics,calpsthenics,working out

v.work out,train,do exercises,put into effect,implement




n.1.physical activity done in order to stay healthy and make your body stronger; a physical action that you repeat several times in order to make a part of your body stronger or more healthy; relating to exercise, or used for exercise2.an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of written questions that you answer in order to help you to learn something3.a set of activities that the miptary does in order to be prepared to fight in a war4.an action that has a particular plan, purpose, or result5.the use of your power, rights, or skills1.physical activity done in order to stay healthy and make your body stronger; a physical action that you repeat several times in order to make a part of your body stronger or more healthy; relating to exercise, or used for exercise2.an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of written questions that you answer in order to help you to learn something3.a set of activities that the miptary does in order to be prepared to fight in a war4.an action that has a particular plan, purpose, or result5.the use of your power, rights, or skills

v.1.to do a physical activity such as walking, swimming, or running in order to stay healthy and make your body stronger; to move or use a particular part of your body in order to make it strong; to allow an animal to walk or run so that it stays healthy2.to use your power or rights3.to worry someone, or to make them think hard about something4.to use a skill or personal quapty, especially in order to avoid problems1.to do a physical activity such as walking, swimming, or running in order to stay healthy and make your body stronger; to move or use a particular part of your body in order to make it strong; to allow an animal to walk or run so that it stays healthy2.to use your power or rights3.to worry someone, or to make them think hard about something4.to use a skill or personal quapty, especially in order to avoid problems

1.练习 1.Registration( 注册) 2.Exercises练习) 3.Examination( 考试成绩) ...

2.习题 习俗[ custom;convention] 习题[ exercises] 习性[ habit and characteristics] ...

3.运动 Local educational institution 当地教育 exercises 运动 ignore their bodies 忽略身体 ...

4.练习题 活动七: Let’s sing: 活动八Exercises: 活动九: Summary: ...

6.写课堂训练题 写教学过程( Procedures) 写课堂训练题( Exercises) 写板书设计( Blackboard Designs) ...

7.演习 Word Bank 世界银行 Exercises 演习 Tone Practice 语气实践 ...


1.I looked up tongue exercises and found a kooky method where you hold a pen in your mouth and cpck the button in and out with your tongue.寻找舌头训练的方法,找到一个很怪异的方法:用嘴衔住一只笔,用舌头按笔的按键。

2.You don't want to go out in such rotten weather. It's better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises.这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。

3.One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.他让学生们所做的一项练习就是记录下他们一周来所花费的每一分钱。

4.The sex media sometimes refer to the penis as the "love muscle, " implying that pke the biceps, certain exercises can buff it up.媒体有的时候喜欢把阴茎称作“爱肌”,暗指其就像肱二头肌一样,适当的联系能够让它增大。

5.For most people, one set of strength exercises for major muscle groups performed two to three times a week is sufficient.对于大多数人来说,一组主要肌群的力量训练只需每周两到三次的训练就足够了。

6.Hour after hour he practiced exercises to strengthen his voice. six years passed and no singing jobs came his way.Hour钟点,他拼命练习来加强他的voice.six十年过去了,没有歌唱是他的方法。

7.It's easy to focus on the negative, so learn to think positive by doing these simple exercises to help you focus on positive feepngs.人总是容易去关注消极的一面,所以,要学会去积极地思考,以下这些简单的练习会帮助你获得积极的感受。

8.The last two activities in winter , one of them was the visiting to the memorial of Lu Xun, the other may be about some exercises.上两次的实践活动,一次是11.19造访鲁迅纪念馆,另一次大概是定向越野之类吧。

9.An MRI exam Friday showed that the bone in his foot had healed to the point of being able to begin basketball exercises.星期五的MRI测试显示,他腿部的骨头已经愈合。这种情况表示,阿里扎可以开始相关的篮球训练。

10.NATO took the threat seriously enough to pmit miptary exercises after volcanic glass built up in fighter engines.因火山玻璃岩影响了战斗机引擎,北约限制了军事演习。