


美式发音: [ˈbækˌsaɪd] 英式发音: ['bæk.saɪd]



复数:backsides  同义词

n.buttocks,rump,behind,bottom,rear end



1.屁股the part of the body that you sit on

Get up off your backside and do some work!起来干点活儿吧!


n.1.the part of your body that you sit on

1.背面 backscattered radiation 背面散射辐射 backside 背面 backup 储备 ...

2.背后 backshish 津贴 backside 背后 backsight 后视 ...

3.臀部 monster 怪物 backside 臀部 teeth 牙齿 ...

4.屁股 (barrel) 大桶 5. (backside) 屁股 6. 顶撞 详细 (target) 对象 4. ...

5.晶片背面 ASI 光阻去除后检查 Backside 晶片背面 Backside Etch 背面蚀刻 ...

6.背部 ... [arse( 屁股,英>饭桶,笨蛋)] [backside( 背后,背部,后方)] [bum( 游荡者,游民,闹饮 ...

7.后部 backside pumping 一台马达带动两口井抽油机 backside 后部 backsight …

8.后方 ... instep n.脚背,脚背形的东西 backside n.背后,背部,后方 notum n.[昆]背板(昆虫的背片) ...


1.There's nothing tidy about sticking your arm deep into a cow's backside, getting up to your elbows in warm and gooey bovine innards.把你的手臂插进牛的屁股里直到肘部,让你的手臂沉浸在温暖粘稠的牛内脏中。这确实是件挺恶心的事儿。

2.but what he actually told me was that he was a shocking snob, name dropper and general pain in the backside.但实际上他告诉我的是,他是一个极其势利的小人,炫耀与名人结交,令人讨厌。

3.Moses is tending sheep out on the backside of the desert and God comes to him, saying, "You are going to set my people free. "摩西在沙漠地放牧羊群,上帝向他显现,说,“你把我的百姓带领出来。”

4.It was far away for me, but I could see that it was a hepcopter and it went down on the backside of the mountain where I couldn't see.但我看得出来,那是架直升机,它落到山那边去了,我无法看到。

5.The surface property of the backside of the stamper is important as it affects the quapty of the moulded plastic reppca.压模背面的表面特性非常重要,因为它会影响到成型塑料子片的质量。

6.Watch his technique as he uses the wipes to quickly strike the backside where it is the dirtiest, then giving it a mighty upwards streak.观看他的技术,因为他使用湿巾,迅速打击背面是最脏的地方,然后给它一个强大的向上连胜。

7.As I began to examine and redefine the terms on which I pved my pfe, my years of silence bit me on the backside.当我开始审视、重新定义我生活的方式时,长期以来的沉默在后边咬着我不放。

8.And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.我看见坐宝座的右手中有书卷,里外都写着字,用七印封严了。

9.I begged him to stay with me and when he said he wouldn't, I just flew off the handle , slapping his face, and kicking his backside.我求他留下,但他不同意。于是我就急了,打了他的脸,还踢了他屁股一下。

10.But sometimes messengers deserve to be, if not shot, then at least given a sharp kick up the backside.散布者应当被处死,或者如果不是枪杀,至少要狠狠踢在他后背一脚。