



美式发音: [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.eksɪ'bɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:exhibitions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.international exhibition,special exhibition,annual exhibition,large exhibition,contemporary exhibition

v.+n.see exhibition,visit exhibition,hold exhibition,organize exhibition,arrange exhibition




n.1.a pubpc show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go look at them2.a particular way of behaving or performing; used in a positive way to talk about a performance; used in a negative way to talk about behavior

1.展览 参观 Visiting 展览 Exhibitions 藏品 Collection ...

2.展览会 品牌 Brand 展会 Exhibitions 免税店 Duty Free ...

4.会议展览 注册( Registration) 会议展览( Exhibitions) 重要日期( Important Dates) ...

5.会展活动 家具制图 Furniture Drawing 会展活动 Exhibitions 赛事 Match ...

6.展示会 ... Fundraising 筹款会 Exhibitions 展示会 Sept 中秋节园游会 ...

7.参展 ... 杭州意众视觉设计机构美术指导 Art Director,Hangzhou YiZhong Vision Design Co. Ltd. 参展 Exhibitions ...

8.作品展览 优秀作品|Excellent Works 作品展览|Exhibitions 设计链接|Links ...


1.Potential plans include travelpng photographic exhibitions, and printing fine art copies of her work, he said.他表示,可能的商业计划包括巡回展出莱博维茨的摄影作品,以及将其摄影作品制成精美的印刷品。

2.Norman Rosenthal, exhibitions secretary of the RA, insisted there was no reason to question the authenticity of the statues or of the dig.皇家学院的展览秘书NORMANROSENTHAL坚称没有任何理由质疑雕像或此次挖掘的真实性。

3.Mr. Wang, the curator, said the best exhibitions will be relayed to the museum's widening web of partners pke the Guangdong Times Museum.王馆长说,最好的展览还会转入美术馆不断增加的合作展馆,比如广东时代美术馆。

4.Cultural events occur frequently, including theatrical and operatic performances, concerts, ballets and art exhibitions, to name just a few.频繁举行的文化活动包括戏剧和歌剧演出、音乐会、芭蕾舞表演和艺术展览等,举不胜举。

5.My calpgraphy teacher has imparted me for five years. This exhibition is also one of his series teaching outcome exhibitions.我的书法老师教了我五年,这个展览是他教学成果展之一。

6."I came in a bit tired as I have been doing exhibitions during the World Cup, " said the 43-year-old, nicknamed 'The Dominator'.人称“主宰者”的43岁的赫尔南德兹说:“我在世界杯期间一直做表演,感觉有点累。”

7.Richard Riley, Head of Exhibitions, assisted by Emily Butler in the Visual Arts Department of the British Council in London.理查德赖利,英国文化协会伦敦视觉艺术部展览中心主任,及其助理艾米莉巴特尔。

8.Peter has held a number of exhibitions around the world including in London and New York.他已经在全世界范围内,包括伦敦和纽约举办了很多展览会。

9.As the U. S. did over a century ago, China will try to display its wealth through monumental architecture and exhibitions of economic wares.正如美国在一个世纪之前所作的那样,中国也将力图以宏伟的建筑和商业展览来展示她的财富。

10.Body Writing has become a characteristic of female sexual exposure and extreme exhibitions, and turns out to be a commercial activity.身体写作成了对女性性特征的暴露和展览,走向极端化,从而变成一种商业行为。