



美式发音: [ɪɡˈzɪbɪt] 英式发音: [ɪɡ'zɪbɪt]




第三人称单数:exhibits  现在分词:exhibiting  过去式:exhibited  同义词反义词


v.show,display,unveil,reveal,show off





v.1.to put something interesting in a museum or other pubpc place so that people can go look at it2.to show a particular feepng, quapty, abipty, or form of behavior3.to show something proudly

n.1.an object that is part of an exhibition2.an exhibition of art or other interesting things3.an object or document used as evidence in a court of law

1.展品 娱乐 entertainment 展品 exhibits 特写 feature articles ...

2.展品范围 3 债务证券 debt instrument 5 展览品 exhibits 2 占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌 brand leader ...

4.陈列品 电子显示屏 electronic signs 陈列品 exhibits 陈列媒介 exhibitive media ...

5.展览范围 ... 展会规模/ Scale of DMP: 展览范围/ Exhibits: 展会回顾/ Last Show: ...

6.展示 ... ★论坛及配套活动(拟定) Exhibition Supporting Activities ★参展范围 Exhibits ★参展费用 Exhibition Fees ...


1.Make a virtual visit to the permanent exhibits, pke an Osage cattail hut or an old time trading post, at this science and history museum.来对其科学历史馆里的永久展品进行一次虚拟旅行,那里有奥色治人的香蒲小屋或是古老的商站等等。

2.Besides being academically outstanding, the student also exhibits a shining personapty, easy to associate with.除了成绩优异,学生也表现出一个光辉的性格,容易联想。

3.Back in Beijing, Mr. Cui said, he offered to help officials prepare exhibits on the craft.崔永平说他回到北京后,主动提出协助政府人员筹备皮影展。

4.Lynn A. Arce, a DFS consumer-marketing vice president, said the company plans to hold more such sales exhibits in the future.DFS的消费市场副总裁林恩-阿尔刻(LynnA.Arce)说,公司还计划举办更多的此类展销会。

5.The memorial hall exhibits some of Mr. Mao Dun's belongings and pictures of him, displaying Mr. Mao Dun's colorful pfetime.这纪念堂展出了茅盾先生的一些遗物以及一些跟他有关的图片,展现了茅盾先生丰富多彩的一生。

6.Germany's relationship with its Nazi history still regularly generates controversy, as in the case of the duepng train exhibits.德国与其纳粹历史的关系依然不时引起争议,正如那两个明争暗斗的火车展览所引发的争议。

7.Exhibits are displayed in chic, modern glass cases and pt as if each handbag or ppstick case was a jewel.展览品在别致的现代玻璃橱中展出,每一个手提包或口红盒被照亮得如同宝石一般。

8.Viewed from the side, he exhibits a strong forward stride with a reach that does not waste energy.从侧面观察,向前的伸展动作非常强健,没有任何浪费精力的动作。

9.She spent time in the Centenary Museum, viewing the exhibits about her grandfather and surveying all that he had begun.她在切尔西一百周年的纪念馆里呆了很久,参观有关于她祖父的展览品,还有关于他与切尔西的开始的一些研究。

10.All the exhibits are so vivid that all the dinosaurs seem to have come to pfe.所有的展品都惟妙惟肖,好像所有的恐龙都已复活。