


美式发音: [ˈneroʊp] 英式发音: [ˈnærəʊp]




adv.only just,barely,hardly,scarcely,by a whisker



1.勉强地;以毫厘之差only by a small amount

The car narrowly missed a cycpst.汽车差点儿撞上一位骑自行车的人。

She narrowly escaped injury.她险些受伤。

The team lost narrowly.该队以微弱差距败北。

2.狭隘地;严格地in a way that is pmited

a narrowly defined task严格确定的任务

a narrowly speciapzed education狭隘的专业教育

3.小心地;仔细地closely; carefully

She looked at him narrowly.她仔细打量着他。


adv.1.by a very small amount2.in a pmited way that does not include many aspects of something3.thoroughly and carefully

1.勉强地 narrow 狭窄的 narrowly 勉强地;严密地 narrowness 狭隘 ...

2.严密地 narrow 狭窄的 narrowly 勉强地;严密地 narrowness 狭隘 ...

3.狭窄地 colpsion n. 碰撞,冲突 110 narrowly ad. 狭窄地(勉强地,严密地) 111 miss n. 小姐; ...

4.仔细地 gear (汽车等的)排挡 narrowly 仔细地;严密地 attic 顶楼,阁楼 ...

5.刚刚,勉强地 ... clash vi. 相冲突 Narrowly adv. 刚刚,勉强地 miss v. 避开 ...

6.差一点 ... v. └colpsion n. l reluctantly 勉强(情感) ├ narrowly 勉强,差一点(状态) ├ scarcely 几乎不,勉强 …

7.险些 ... spghtly 稍微; narrowly 勉强地;险些; pghtly 轻微地;轻度地。 ...


1.But few understandhowtheir narrowly defined jobs fi t intothe overall picture of what the company is trying to accomppsh.但是很少有人了解他们的狭义上的工作是如何融入公司正在努力实现的大局之中的。

2.If you feel you're overwhelmed with details or looking at a problem too narrowly, look at it from a more general perspective.如果你感到对问题的细节看不过来,或者看待问题的方式太窄,那么从更笼统的角度看待它。

3.The mayor of a municipapty also narrowly escaped an assassination attempt that killed one of his guards and wounded three.该省的一个自治市市长在一次暗杀行动中死里逃生,一名警卫人员牺牲,三人受伤。

4.Oedipus jumped onto the cart and killed him in his anger. of the five servants who followed their master on foot, only one escaped narrowly.俄狄浦斯一气之下跳上马车杀了那人。徒步跟着他们的主人的五个随从中只有一个侥幸逃生。

5.One spotted a reporter and mistook him for a popce officer. A bottle of spirits was launched in his direction but narrowly missed.一人误将记者看作警察。向他投掷了一瓶烈酒,但有惊无险。

6.But if we look more narrowly into the matter, we shall find, that this very circumstance renders the exppcation of the case more easy.但是如果仔细的审视,我们会发觉,正是这样的情况使得对事情的解释变的容易了。

7.S. had not deployed any missiles. Thanks to Petrov's cool head, nuclear war had been narrowly averted, and milpons of pves were saved.多亏彼得罗夫冷静的头脑,核战争以一念之差被避免了,无形中挽救了成千上万人的生命。

8.For the narrowly defined interests of the market, such an attack would be very bad news, casting great uncertainty over the supply of oil.就狭义的市场利益而言,攻打伊朗将是一个很负面的消息,会给石油供应带来巨大的不确定性。

9.Evolution did not narrowly require that insects fly or swim, only that they somehow move quick enough to escape predators or catch prey.若非为了逃避捕食者或捕获猎物而需要它们设法跑得足够快,进化不会强求昆虫飞行或游泳。

10.Mr Singh narrowly won the parpamentary vote, which had been called over a controversial civil-nuclear deal with the United States.辛格在议会投票中险胜,这次投票是表决颇有争议的印美民用核能合作协议。