


美式发音: [ˈeksɔrˌsɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈeksɔː(r)ˌsɪz(ə)m]






1.(用祈祷或法术)驱魔,驱邪,驱邪的仪式the act of getting rid of an evil spirit from a place or a person's body by prayers or magic; a ceremony where this is done

2.(不愉快的经历或记忆的)消除,忘掉the act of making yourself forget a bad experience or memory


n.1.a process or action that is used for getting rid of an evil spirit, for example a ceremony or prayer2.something you do that helps you to stop thinking about a bad experience or memory

1.驱魔 圣光闪 Flash of Light 驱魔 Exorcism 命令圣印 Seal of Command ...

2.驱鬼 exorcize v. 驱魔,去除(坏念头等) exorcism n. 驱鬼,伏魔 rout n. 大败,溃败 ...

3.驱邪 Detection( 探测):发现带魔法的目标。 Exorcism驱邪):解除符咒。 Identification( 鉴定):鉴定装备物 …

4.驱邪术 ... DSac=Divine Sacrifice 神圣牺牲 Exo=Exorcism 驱邪术 HoJ=Hammer of Justice 公 …

5.驱魔术 exogenous variable 外生变量 exorcism 驱魔术 exotic bias 歧异偏见 ...

6.驱邪咒语 ... 优雅魔力( Refined Mana) 驱邪咒语Exorcism) 元素之怒( Rage of the …

7.驱魔仪式地发了疯,他的父母求助于教区神父,于是神父为她进行驱魔仪式(Exorcism),可是少女孩还是不幸过世,死因是长期没有进 …

8.驱魔咒语驱魔咒语Exorcism),术士,对召唤的生物魔法伤害加倍。穿透魔抗 (Irresistible Magic),术士,即使兵种抵抗魔法伤害, …


1.McKinney denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits.McKinney否认该仪式是驱邪,而把它描述为驱逐幽灵。

2.It is generally assumed that this phrase refers to a species of exorcism on Jesus' part, implying the Magdalene was possessed.一般地是假定这个短语是引用于耶稣的一个驱魔情节,暗示了抹大拉是着魔的。

3.Like the snappy pttle exorcism spell. And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens.像是那个好用的小小驱魔咒语。它们还会在恶魔出现之前,告诉我恶魔所在的位置。

4.Thank God, otherwise this exorcism ritual between a child and a canine would have been really weird.谢天谢地,否则这场小孩和狗之间的驱魔仪式真是不可思议。

5.This is why , yak bone accessories will also be considered as the role of Exorcism and of seeking happiness.正因如此,所以牦牛骨制作的饰品,也会被他们认为有辟邪求福的作用。

6.For Mendoza, whom I met in a bar in La Candelaria, the novel was an exorcism.我在烛台区的一家酒吧遇见门多萨,对他而言,这部小说是一个驱魔。

7.You know there's not one exorcism in the Gospel of John.在约翰福音中则丝毫没有提到驱魔。

8.Another reason I fid the subject interesting is that I've had an exorcism performed on me. You read that right.另一个我对这个内容感兴趣的原因是因曾经有一位驱邪师为我驱过邪。

9.'The Last Exorcism' proves that the theme of demonic possession never gets old with audience.《最后的驱魔》的票房证明,“恶魔附体”这个主题在电影观众心中并未过时。

10.As the tool of protection with three coffins painting (graham said professor in mo can exorcism on), strange will change clothes, etc.匪夷所思的当作保护工具的画着三口棺材的油画(葛里莫教授说能驱邪降魔),奇怪的会变色的衣服,等等。