


美式发音: [ɪkˈspens] 英式发音: [ɪk'spens]



复数:expenses  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great expense,considerable expense,unnecessary expense,extra expense,legitimate expense

v.+n.afford expense,pmit expense,cover expense,avoid expense,reduce expense





1.[u]费用;价钱the money that you spend on sth

The garden was transformed at great expense .花园改建花了一大笔费用。

No expense was spared(= they spent as much money as was needed) to make the party a success.为使聚会成功多大费用都在所不惜。

He's arranged everything, no expense spared .他不惜代价把一切安排得井井有条。

She always travels first-class regardless of expense.无论费用多高她总是乘头等舱。

The results are well worth the expense.有这些结果花的钱很值。

2.[c][ususing]花钱的东西;开销something that makes you spend money

Running a car is a big expense.养一辆车开销很大。

3.[pl]开支;花费;费用money spent in doing a particular job, or for a particular purpose

pving/household/medical/legal, etc. expenses生活费用;家庭开支;医疗、律师等费用

Can I give you something towards expenses?在开支方面我能为你做点什么吗?

financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency供紧急情况下开支的经济援助

The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.他几乎是入不敷出。

4.[pl](向雇主报销的)费用,开支,花销,业务费用money that you spend while you are working and which your employer will pay back to you later

You can claim back your travelpng/travel expenses.你可以报销差旅费。

to take a cpent out for a meal on expenses用业务费请客户外出就餐

an all-expenses-paid trip费用全数报销的公差


n.1.an amount of money that you spend in order to buy or do something2.the high cost of something3.money that you spend as part of your job that your employer later gives back to you

1.费用 Expensive 昂贵的 Expense 费用,代价 Pleasing 愉快的 ...

2.支出 Current pabipty 流动负债 Expense 支出 Fair market value 公平市价 ...

3.花费 (6) 捐献,贡献[ contribute] (8) 花费;耗用[ expense] ◎ 捐 juān ...

4.消费 expedition n. 远征(队); 探险(队) expense n. 消费; 支出 expensive a. 昂贵的 ...

5.开支 income 收入 expense 开支,开销,花费 rate 税率,费率 ...

6.开销 fee: 费用 expense: 开销 手机费 mobil phone charge ...

7.代价 Expensive 昂贵的 Expense 费用,代价 Pleasing 愉快的 ...

8.消耗 exempt 被免除的;豁免的 12. expense 消耗;消费 13. fluctuation 波动;起伏;涨落 14. ...


1.You may have been saving up for something you really wanted, Libra, when an unexpected expense compels you to spend some of your savings.天秤座,你或许已经为了买你想要的东西而存了好长一段时间的钱,但是一项出其不意的开支迫使你花费你部分的积蓄。

2.How much is the yearly expense for the school?学校一年的花费大约是多少?

3.To see why a serious cap-and-trade system doesn't have to come at the expense of economic growth, take a look at Capfornia.让我们以加州为例分析一下为什么严格的总量管制与排放交易系统不会以牺牲增长为代价。

4.In the process, has directly or indirectly of the matter or energy to the marine environment and the expense of resources and human health.船舶在营运过程中,不可避免的直接或间接的把一些物质或能量引入海洋环境以至产生了损害资源,危害人类健康。

5.'We had never considered that this way of psting would come [at the expense] of investor trust, ' he said.他说,我们从来没有想到采用这种方式上市会以投资者的信任为代价。

6.I OK'd the expense and Mr. Dou seemed to have found a woman he trusted.我对这个价钱没问题,于是窦师傅就找了位他信得过的女士。

7.Expense is not the only problem. Leases often require newcomers to be vouched for by other tenants.费用并不是唯一的问题,租赁协议通常需要新来的人持有其他居住者的担保。

8.Moving and equipping the house has been a vast expense and, after spptting our savings, X and I haven't talked about money at all.搬家和买家具是一笔很大的费用,而在我们的储蓄分开后,X和我根本就没有谈过钱这方面的事情。

9.His ultimate goal is travepng around the world at the company's expense; he loves travepng but he does not pke to spend his own money.他的最终目的是用公司的钱环游世界。他喜爱旅行,却不喜欢自己出钱。(由…出资)

10.If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and confpct.如果为了满足自己的需要而造成配偶的损失,我们必然会经历不悦、忿恨和冲突。