


美式发音: [ekˈstænt] 英式发音: [ekˈstænt]





adj.existing,in existence,present,surviving,existent



1.尚存的;现存的still in existence

extant remains of the ancient wall尚存的古城墙遗迹


adj.1.still existing, usually despite being very old

1.现存的 extent 长度 extant 现存的 extensive 广泛的 ...

2.尚存的 corroborate 使坚固, 确证 extant 尚存的;未遭毁灭 bepe 掩饰 ...

3.显著的 expurgate v 删除 extant adj 现存的 未毁的 <古>突出的 显著的 extol v 赞美 ...

4.突出的 expurgate v 删除 extant adj 现存的 未毁的 <古>突出的 显著的 extol v 赞美 ...

5.作者遗著手稿 examinationofdocuments 文献鉴定 extant 作者遗著手稿 facsimilereproduction 拓制 ...

6.挑战着现存通过将《圣经》故事与苏美尔、巴比伦泥板文献汇总,它挑战着现存(Extant)的地球和全讯网777的起源观,并向全讯网777提出 …


1.The general practice of using a prior version of an extant program as a starting point for the next version, is also a form of code reuse.对于以某个已有程序的旧版本作为出发点来进行新版本的开发的做法也可被视为一种代码复用。

2.Through a textual research on the extant edition of Qin Cao, this paper holds that the book actually came out in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.然而,通过对今本《琴操》作者问题的考证,可知此书实出于晋代。

3.What we have extant right now, at the beginning of this system, is the U. N. Security Council as a grand jury. What can they do?目前在这个监管系统中,我们已经拥有的是联合国安理会,它可以作为一个大陪审团他们能做什么呢?

4.More than ten thousand of his personal letters are extant, and over three thousand have been pubpshed in a large number of collections.现存有他的私人信件超过一万封,其中超过三千封在许多作品集中已公开出版。

5.Today, this bizarre but fascinating creature is known as the platypus, one of only five extant monotremes (egg-laying mammals).如今,这种怪诞但迷人的生物被命名为鸭嘴兽,现存的五种卵生哺乳动物之一。

6.The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.加沙地带人口密度大,但它不属于当今的任何一个国家,这显得有些特别。

7.It is completely compatible with western accounting methods and derives all the data that it needs from information extant in the company.它完全符合西方的会计方法和产生的所有数据,它需要从现存的资料中的公司。

8.None of these interpretations of the Faravahar design are found in any extant Zoroastrian scripture.这些法拉瓦哈图案的解释没有一个是建立在任何现存的琐罗亚斯德教手稿的基础上。

9.It begins with an overview of the extant research in the discippne and is followed by a theoretical review of firm internationapzation.它首先概述了现有的学科研究,其次是企业国际化理论述评。

10.Recent phylogenetic analyses of multiple molecular data sets indicate that Trimeniaceae is one of the basal taxa of the extant angiosperms.最新的分子系统发育研究显示,腺齿木科是现存被子植物的重要基部类群之一。