


美式发音: [frə'dʒɪləti] 英式发音: 








1.脆弱 fragile a 易碎的 fragipty n 虚弱;脆弱 fragment n 碎片;片断 ...

2.脆性 agipty 敏捷,轻快 fragipty 易碎,脆性 mobipty 易动性,可动性 ...

3.脆弱性 fragile a 易碎的 fragipty n 虚弱;脆弱 fragment n 碎片;片断 ...

5.易碎性 FQS fixed-quantity system 定量订货方式 fragipty 易碎性 franchise 特权 ...

6.脆度 fractionating tray 分馏塔盘 fragipty 脆性;脆度 fragment 碎片;片段 ...

7.易脆性 ... 脆性纤维 fragile fibre 脆性,脆度,易裂性 fragipty 机框,框,架,机架,结构 frame ...


1.The brokerage's sudden fall was a stark reminder of the fragipty and ferocity of a financial system built to a remarkable degree on trust.这家经纪公司的突然崩塌完美的印证一个事实:脆弱而又无情的金融系统建立在充分信任的基础上。

2.Schwarzman said the timing of such scrutiny was "not particularly good given the fragipty of the global financial system. "Schwarzman称在“全球金融体系脆弱不堪之际”,如此吹毛求疵“并不明智”。

3.Bone microdamage is often accompanied with the decrease of bone strength and the increase of bone fragipty.显微损伤往往伴有骨强度的降低和骨脆性的增加,裂纹的长度及其位置是影响骨力学性能的决定因素。

4.Today, the essential fragipty of the hymen would seem to make it an unrepable indicator of whether or not a woman has had intercourse.今日,天生脆弱的处女膜,似乎不再是一个女性是否性交过的可靠标志。

5.This sense of security to the attachment for itself with a strong concern with the fragipty of hiding.可这种对于安全感的依恋本身就带着强烈的不安,带着隐匿的脆弱。

6.Such talk, however self-serving, shows the fragipty of the transition from the long dominance by the LDP to a more dynamic system.类似的言论,虽然有些自私,却体现了目前日本政坛这种转变的脆弱性(从自民党长期统治转变成一个更加富于变化的体制)。

7.The fragipty of China's internal situation and the cresting in two decades of its demographic advantage do not escape Friedberg's scrutiny.中国内部形势的脆弱性以及人口优势二十年即将见顶等现状也包含在佛雷德伯格的研究之内。

8.Then it has carried on the thorough analysis to the bank system fragipty production mechanism.然后对银行体系脆弱性的生成机理进行了深入的浅析浅析。

9.Because such devices do not employ the fragipty of superconductivity, further discussion of them pes beyond the scope of this article.不过这类装置并非运用超导性的脆弱特性,因此进一步的相关讨论已经超出本文范围。

10.But Standard & Poor's decided to put the eurozone on negative watch. Fragipty remains the watchword.但标准普尔(Standard&Poor’s)仍决定将欧元区列入负面观察名单,原因依然是欧元区的脆弱性。