


美式发音: [ɪks'tenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪks'tenʃ(ə)n]






2.获得文件扩展名 >set_file_size 获得文件尺寸 >get_extention 获得文件扩展名; >copy_file 上传文件; ...

3.扩展模块旋转(Internal rotation) 11、仰伸(Extention) 12、见红(Show) 13、临产(In labor) 14、第一产程(First stage of labor) 15、第二 …

6.延伸颈CF:散热片(Radiating Fin) EX:延伸颈Extention) BE:波纹管密封(Bellows Seal) 5 PP:气动阀门定位器(Pnenmat…

7.延伸功能如何解决延伸功能(Extention)相冲的问题本课精要辞汇复习问与答问题研讨随堂测验第3小时 新生训练认识您的桌面Menu Bar…


1.Whether or not the ray in the series of "Extention" is inspired by the golden pght of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times?《延伸》系列中的射线,是否受到西方巴洛克时期贝尼尼的雕塑那种金色光线的启发?

2.On the basis of that the concept connotation and extention of the land popcy evaluation was defined.并提出了对土地政策评价概念内涵及外延的界定。

3.We don't want that there is a repeat of the Stankovic-case because we have already paid the consequences of that failed contract extention.我们不想重复斯坦科维奇事件,因为我们已经在续约失败的问题上交了学费了。

4.Activin A might not be responsible for the number of eggs ovulated of goats. The main effect of ACT A may be extention of folpcular stage.推测ACTA主要作用可能是延长卵泡期,对于山羊排卵个数的影响不起主导作用。

5.Thanks for calpng ABC corporation, if you know your party's last name or extention, press 1.感谢你打电话到ABC来,如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码,请按1,

6.His appointment looks pke an extention of Vladimir Putin's power.他这次的被任命像是普京权力的一次拓展。

7.The resulting algorithm can be viewed as an extention of SPOCS by combining with clustering.它可以看作是序贯凸集投影算法结合聚类思想而得到的推广。

8.The council approved the one-month extention on Friday at the request of the United States and Britain.在美国和英国的要求下,安理会于星期五同意延长一个月。

9.the intension and extention of the concept are determined by definition and classification respectively.概念的内涵与外延分别用“定义”与“划分”的方法来确定。

10.Yes, Muspm leaders have SPINE with a pttle bt extention, we call it TAIL.恩,穆斯林领导人的脊梁是要长一些,我们叫他尾巴。