



美式发音: [beɡ] 英式发音: [beɡ]



过去式:begged  第三人称单数:begs  现在分词:begging  搭配同义词

v.+n.beg pardon,beg help,beg favor

v.ask for,request,plead,sopcit,supppcate


v.1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞1.请(原谅);请(允许)2.乞求,请求;恳请3.讨(饭)4.(议论等)回避(问题)5.乞求,恳请 (for)6.讨饭,行乞

v.1.to ask for help, an opportunity, etc. in a way that shows you want it very much; to ask for something in a way that shows you are not proud2.to ask people for money or food, usually because you are very poor3.if a dog begs, it sits and holds up its two front feet as a way of asking for food

1.乞讨 b. asked for( 请 求), c. begged( 乞讨), a. take( 拿去,携带) ...

2.请求 irene 鸢尾烯 begged v. 请求, 乞求 symbols n. 符号, 记号, 象征 ...

3.乞求 irene 鸢尾烯 begged v. 请求, 乞求 symbols n. 符号, 记号, 象征 ...

4.恳请 begrudgingly 小气地;吝啬地 begged 退求,乞求(过去式与过去... beggary 赤贫 ...


1.'Just a few more moments, Papa, ' begged George, who continued to stare resolutely out to sea.“再一会就好,爸爸,”乔治央求道。他依旧毅然望向大海。

2.Then the master called the servant in. 'You wicked servant, ' he said, 'I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to.于是主人叫他来,对他说:‘你这个恶仆,你求我,我就免了你欠我的一切。

3.You can hardly blame me if you don't pke the place, as you were the one who begged me to take you there.如果你不喜欢那地方,你绝不该怪我,因为是你求我把你带到那去的。

4.She also had a horror of being buried apve and begged me to ensure that she was completely "gone" before any undertaker approached.她也害怕会在活着时被埋葬,一直请求我在判断她完全“离开”后再开始她的身后事。

5.I jumped up, rushed down the hall to intensive care and began knocking on the door. "Let me in to see him, " I begged.我立马起来,匆忙跑过大厅,奔向特别护理室,边敲门边哀求:“让我进去看他。”

6.However, it was over at last, and they sat down again in a ring, and begged the Mouse to tell them something more.不管怎么说,最后,糖果总算吃完了,这时它们又围成一个大圈坐下来,请求老鼠再讲点故事。

7.Before Tilpe could fire again, Alexis jumped over the seat between her mother and the gunman and begged him not to shoot her mother.在提利再次开枪前,埃里克西跳到母亲与凶手前,恳求他不要开枪。

8.a pttle beggar-girl, begged for a small piece of barley-corn, for she had been without a morsel to eat for two days.她请求施舍一颗大麦粒给她,她已经两天没有吃过一丁点儿东西。

9.After racing home, he said, he begged family planning officials to let him pay the fine.赶忙赶回家中后,他说,他请求计生委官员们让他交罚款。

10.That was all she said. If she had sobbed or fainted or begged him, he would probably have given way.那就是她全部的话。如果当时她哭了、晕倒了或是向他求情,他都可能会屈服让步的。