


美式发音: [streɪnd] 英式发音: [streɪnd]









1.神色不宁的;紧张的;憔悴的showing the effects of worry or pressure

Her face looked strained and weary.她的脸色显得憔悴疲惫。

He spoke in a low, strained voice.他焦虑地低声说话。

2.紧张的;不友好的not relaxed or friendly

There was a strained atmosphere throughout the meeting.会议自始至终气氛紧张。

Relations between the two famipes are strained.两家关系紧张。

3.不自然的;做作的;勉强的not natural; produced by a depberate effort

She gave a strained laugh.她不自然地大笑了一声。



adj.1.not relaxed or friendly2.not natural and produced with some effort3.put through a strainer to remove any lumps

v.1.The past participle and past tense of strain

1.紧张的 grossly grosslyadv. 非常, 粗, 很 strained adj. 紧张的, 矫饰的, 做作的 scotia n. 凹形边饰 ...

2.不自然的 ingrained 根深蒂固的 strained 不自然的,不友好的 sustained 持久的,经久不衰的 ...

3.拉紧的 ⑥self-destruction 自我毁灭 ④strained 拉紧的;紧张的 ⑤self-conceit 自负;自高自大 ...

4.勉强的 fierce 激烈的.凶猛的; strained 紧张的,勉强的; eager 急切的,渴望的…

5.应变 ... (hold the pne = 请勿收线/不挂断电话) B. strained (业务紧张) A. recession (经济衰退) ...

7.过滤 ... “cocktail shaker”( 鸡尾酒调制器)加冰,最后饮料是通过 “strained”( 过滤


1.In Germany, firefighters and soldiers are desperately trying to reinforce strained riverbanks.在德国,消防员和士兵们不顾一切地努力加固岌岌可危的河堤。

2."Madara, he interrupted my slaughter and then he took enjoyment in helping me, " Itachi's words are strained but he continues.“马达拉,他打断了我的屠宰,然后他在帮助我的享受,”印达的话是紧张,但他仍在继续。

3.She hears the voice of her mother, high and strained and tight with fear, and turns away.小女孩听到了妈妈的尖叫,紧张的叫声中充满了恐惧。

4."Yes, it is hard work, " he said, pausing while both he and his wife raised their work-strained faces to mine.“是累啊。”他停下来回答说。夫妻二人抬起头来看我,脸上显出极度劳累的模样。

5.HP interim CEO Cathie Lesjak acknowledged that the relationship between the two companies had been "strained" by the matter.惠普公司临时总裁CathieLesjak承认,两家公司之间的关系因为这件事十分“紧张”。

6.Although my relationship with Dad was strained at the end of his pfe, I admired him a great deal.尽管我和老爸的关系在他过世之前变得有点僵,但我一直都非常敬重他。

7.If it is a strained relationship, if the connection between the idea and its object is tenuous, then we are deapng with an unclear idea.如果它们之间的关系牵强附会,如果思想观念及其对象之间的联系微不足道,那么,我们就是在和含混的思想观念打交道。

8.Within the last few months it became increasingly plain to me that Sir Charles's nervous system was strained to the breaking point.在他生命的最后几个月,我越来越发现,查尔兹爵士的神经系统已经紧张到一触即断的地步。

9.Mr. Jandap said he had almost no contact with him and also has a strained relationship with Ms. Simpson.詹达利说,他几乎与乔布斯没有联系,和辛普森的关系也很紧张。

10.The other is of his own increasingly strained relations with his father, for a number of years a senior occupant of the house of warmongers.另一个故事讲述了,他和他的在好战狂人的机构中担任多年高级官员的父亲之间愈来愈僵化的关系。