


美式发音: [ˈtɪpɪkp] 英式发音: ['tɪpɪkp]




adv.+v.typically come





1.通常;一般used to say that sth usually happens in the way that you are stating

The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week.这家工厂通常每周生产 500 把椅子。

A typically priced meal will be around $10.一餐通常的价格为 10 元左右。

2.典型地;具有代表性地in a way that shows the usual quapties or features of a particular type of person, thing or group

typically American hospitapty美国人特有的殷勤好客

Mothers typically worry about their children.母亲总爱挂念自己的子女。

3.不出所料;果然in the way that you expect sb/sth to behave

Typically, she couldn't find her keys.她果然又找不着自己的钥匙了。

He was typically modest about his achievements.他一如既往,对自己的成就很谦虚。


adv.1网站屏蔽ually2.with the typical quapties or features of a particular group of people3.as you might expect from a particular person

1.典型地 trigger||板机 typically||典型地 ultimately||最后 ...

2.代表性地 seafood 海产食品;海味 typically 代表性地;特有地 particularly 特别地;尤其 …

3.典型的 slave 奴隶 40. typically 典型的 41. career 事业 42. ...

4.通常 more than adv. 不仅仅 typically adv. 通常,一般 nonetheless adv. 然而,但是 ...

5.有代表性地 typical a. 典型的,有代表性的 ◆ typically ad. 典型地,有代表性地 fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累 ...

6.作为特色地 in vain:adv. 徒然 typically:adv. 代表性地 , 作为特色地 levy:n. 征收 , 征税 , 征兵 ...

7.通常地 devices 装置,科技产品 typically 典型地,通常地 the challenges 挑战,困难 ...


1.Professional dog thieves typically take a few of the owner's possessions so the dog smells the owner and remains calm, she said.她说,专业盗狗贼通常会带走狗主人的一些东西,这样当狗闻到主人的气味时就会保持平静。

2.These represent short units of work that produce a steady, measurable pace of project progress (typically measured in hours or a few days).这些表现了短期的工作单元可以产生出项目进展过程中稳定、可测量的步调(典型的是以小时数或者天数作为衡量标准)。

3.As you know, project managers are responsible for the overall project planning, resources and, typically, the budget.正如您所知,项目经理要对整个项目得计划、资源,尤其是预算负责。

4.We think this advantage is often oversold, as type mismatch errors are a small fraction of the runtime errors you typically see.我们通常认为这个优势被夸大了,因为类型不匹配的错误只是日常见到的运行时错误中的一小部分。

5.This type of attack is possible because authentication typically is only done at the start of a TCP session.由于通常只在TCP会话开始时进行认证,所以此类攻击是可能的。

6.Cluster Breakers are typically welded to the bottom of a slope-sided infeed hopper, and positioned over a second discharge hopper.聚料分散机通常焊接在进料漏斗坡面底部,位于第二出料漏斗上。

7.He typically owns one laptop at a time, using it for four years before moving on to the next machine.他通常买了一台笔记本后会用上四年,四年后就要换一台新笔记本。

8.Although providers are trying to converge their services, the data from each service has typically remained in a separate database.虽然提供商尽力融合他们的服务,但是来自每个服务的数据通常存放在单独的数据库中。

9.The newspaper did not say that Phelps was smoking marijuana, but it pointed out that the pipe typically was used for that purpose.该报没有明确指出菲尔普斯在吸食大麻,但它指出照片中的烟枪显然是作此用途的。

10.This warning is typically reported because an integer has been used for a %p format instead of a pointer.通常,如果为%p格式使用的是整数而不是指针,将报告此警告。