


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzʌlt] 英式发音: [ɪɡ'zʌlt]



第三人称单数:exults  现在分词:exulting  过去式:exulted  同义词反义词





1.欢欣鼓舞;兴高采烈;喜形于色to feel and show that you are very excited and happy because of sth that has happened

He leaned back, exulting at the success of his plan.他向后一靠,为自己计划的成功而得意扬扬。

‘We won!’ she exulted.“我们赢了!”她欣喜若狂道。


v.1.to feel or show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something that you have achieved

1.欢腾 fepcity( 幸福,满足); exult欢腾,狂欢); lucky( 运气好的,吉祥的…

2.非常高兴 exhilarative 使高兴的 exult 非常高兴 exultant 非常高兴的 ...

3.狂喜 extroverted type 外向型 exult 狂喜 eye 眼 ...

4.欢跃 extol 赞美 exult 非常高兴, 欢跃 exultation 狂喜, 大悦, 欢欣, 得意 ...

5.大喜 exude 渗出,流出,流露 exult 大喜,耀武扬威 100-metre race .100 米赛跑 ...

6.耀武扬威 exude 渗出,流出,流露 exult 大喜,耀武扬威 100-metre race .100 米赛跑 ...

7.欢欣鼓舞 28.exuberance 兴高采烈的 29.exult 欢欣鼓舞 31.ecstasy 欣喜若狂的 ...

8.狂喜,欢跃 10. counsel: 忠告,劝告。 11. exult: 狂喜,欢跃。 13. profusely: 丰富地,繁茂地。 ...


1.He was the lamp that was burning and shining, and you were wilpng to exult for a while in his pght.约翰是点著且发亮的灯,你们情愿暂时在他的光中欢腾。

2.Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.我们要喜乐欢腾,将荣耀归与他;因为羔羊婚娶的时候到了,新妇也自己预备好了。

3.Pet. 1: 6 In which time you exult, though for a pttle while at present, if it must be, you have been made sorrowful by various trials.彼前一6在那时期你们要欢腾,尽管目前在诸般的试炼中,或许必须暂时忧愁。

4.A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious.一个明智的人知道如何权衡事情,他不会为了不幸而沮丧不振,也不会为了突如其来的好运而忘乎所以。

5.Know you have the confidence to be independent and exult in the freedom that comes from being able to set your own agenda.我们知道你有自信保持独立并为能够自由设立自己的日程而欢欣鼓舞。

6.We shall leave him to exult over any Mare's nest which he may choose to construct.如果他想要建立海市蜃楼,我们将让他去为此而欢跃。

7.When the Twins' victory celebration erupted on the field, he jumped up to exult with his fellow students around him.当双子队在赛场上庆祝胜利的那一刻,他也跳起来,想和他周围的同学同庆。

8.They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness.16他们因你的名终日欢乐,因你的公义得以高举。

9.Big engineering feats are measures of ambition, just as those who exult in them claim.工程学上的壮举是雄心的衡量标准——恰如醉心于此的人所宣称的那样。

10.Rejoice and exult, for your reward is great in the heavens; for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.应当喜乐欢腾,因为你们在诸天之上的赏赐是大的;原来在你们以前的申言者,人也是这样逼迫他们。