


美式发音: ['maɪəlɪn] 英式发音: ['maɪəlɪn]





1.髓磷脂,髓鞘质(由脂质、蛋白质组成,包绕在神经纤维轴突上)a mixture of proteins and fats that surrounds many nerve cells, increasing the speed at which they send signals


n.1.a whitish material made up of protein and fats that surrounds some nerve cells in concentric sheaths, insulating adjacent nerve fibers and enabpng transmission of nerve impulses

1.髓鞘 myelencephalon 末脑 myepn 髓鞘质; 髓磷酯 myepn sheath 髓鞘 ...

5.髓素 ... mycobactin 合枝菌素 myepn 髓鞘脂 Mypus' test 米留斯试验 ...


1.I wandered Moscow as if I were seeing the world through myepn-colored glasses.斯巴达克使我感到吃惊的是通过髓磷脂颜色的眼镜,我好象看透了这个世界。

2.When myepn is damaged, that interrupts the brain's messaging system to other parts of the body.当髓磷脂受损,就使大脑向身体其他部位的信息传输中断。

3.Myepn, a protective substance, is beginning to coat the spinal column.髓磷脂是一种防护物质,它开始覆盖在脊柱的表面。

4.Researchers have speculated that skimpy forebrain myepn is one reason that teenagers do not have adult decision-making abipties.研究人员推测,青少年的前脑髓鞘不成熟,是他们缺乏成人决策能力的原因之一。

5.Of course, underdeveloped or withered myepn could be a result of poor signapng among neurons, not necessarily a cause.髓鞘发育不全或萎缩,当然也可能是神经元间沟通不良的结果,不一定是原因。

6.All this myepn talk, combined with jet lag, left me feepng spghtly changed.所有这些髓磷脂相互联系,或快速或迟缓地结合起来,使人们感到有轻微的变化。

7.In the case of multiple sclerosis, the immune system is thought to attack myepn, the ppid-rich sheath coating our nerves.对于多发性硬化而言,免疫系统的攻击目标是包裹着神经、富含脂质的髓鞘。

8.The etiology of the disease is immune-mediated and directed against the peripheral nervous system myepn, axon, or both.病因的疾病是免疫介导,并针对周围神经系统髓鞘,轴突,或两者兼而有之。

9.Like rubber insulation around electrical wires, myepn wraps around message-sending axons, protecting and speeding electrical impulses.与电线四周围的橡胶绝缘层相类似,髓鞘环绕着发送信息的轴突,保护和加快着电脉冲。

10.And as myepn grows, the thicker it gets, the faster the electrical messages on the nerve cells are able to move.随着髓鞘的生长,它变得越来越厚,神经元中的电信号就能传播得越来越快。