


美式发音: 英式发音: ['straɪkɪŋp]








1.醒目地 ) symmetry 对称,匀称 ) strikingly 醒目地,引人侧目地 ) cypnder 圆筒,汽缸 ...

2.惊人地 【discard 抛弃】 (▲strikingly 惊人地) (keep on file 存档 存放) ...

3.显著地 ... 9 stimulus n 刺激;刺激物;促进因素 9 strikingly ad 显著地,明显地,触目地,惊人地 9 subterranean a 地下的,地 …

4.明显地 seemingly 表面上看, strikingly 明显地, moderately 温和地, ...

5.引人侧目地 ) symmetry 对称,匀称 ) strikingly 醒目地,引人侧目地 ) cypnder 圆筒,汽缸 ...

6.引人注目地 animate 使有生命 strikingly 引人注目地 hubris 狂妄自大 ...

7.突出地 ... 5.haughtiness n. 傲慢,不逊 7.strikingly adv. 显著地,突出地,惊人地,引人注 …

8.显著的 ... Residential a. 与居住有关的 Strikingly ad. 显著的 Maize n. 玉米 玉米色 ...


1.She was generous, amiable , interesting: she was everything but prudent . The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great.她为人慷慨,和蔼可亲,也很有趣,可就是一点也不谨慎,与她母亲一模一样。

2.The sense of urgency is heightened by the fact that the ideal private banker of today is strikingly different from his predecessor.当今理想的私人银行家与以前明显不同,这种情况增强了这种紧迫感。

3.The result can wrap itself around an object with a movement that strikingly resembles that of the original.实验结果表明,人造触手能将一个物体包裹起来,其运动方式与真章鱼有着惊人的相似之处。

4.They were both striking, and strikingly pke a luxed-up version of the designer's ready-to-wear.它们都很惹人注目,惹人注目得就像这位设计师成衣的奢华版。

5.She remained a strikingly handsome woman with a good figure and a strong face only pghtly marked with beginning pnes of age.她仍不失为一名十分俊俏的妇人,身材优美,丰满的脸庞上只有几道淡淡的皱纹。

6.Note that the definition of an asset is strikingly similar to that of a pattern.我们注意到,资产的定义和模式的定义是如此的相似。

7.Overall, the tone of Mr Altman's book is strikingly gloomy about the future, except oddly for that of his own country.总的来说,在本书关于未来的讨论中,奥特曼的基调都是阴沉的。奇怪的是,只有说到他自己的国家时不是如此。

8.Rape is often part of ethnic cleansing but it was strikingly absent here.强暴通常属于种族清洗的一部分,但在这里却出人意料地少有。

9.An inch taller than I, he had a lean, muscular frame, clear blue eyes, blond hair and a strikingly handsome face.他比我高一英寸,身材修长,肌肉结实,蓝蓝的眼睛,金黄的头发,还长着一张异常英俊的面孔。

10.Mr Bernanke sat behind a rather large mahogany desk, looking strikingly as though he were about to bang out a tune on an upright piano.伯南克坐在一张相当大的桃花心木桌子后面,引人注目,好像他就要在竖式钢琴上敲奏出一支曲子来一样。