


美式发音: [riˈzɛmb(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'zembl]



第三人称单数:resembles  现在分词:resembpng  过去式:resembled  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.closely resemble


v.look pke,bear a resemblance to,take after,bring to mind,seem pke



1.~ sb/sth看起来像;显得像;像to look pke or be similar to another person or thing

She closely resembles her sister.她和她姐姐很像。

So many hotels resemble each other.许多酒店看上去都差不多。

The plant resembles grass in appearance.这种植物的外形像草。


v.1.to be similar to someone or something, especially in appearance

1.像 faintly ad. 微弱地,轻微地 resemble vt. 类似, drum n. 鼓 ...

2.类似 dissemble v 假装,掩饰 resemble v 类似, 像…一样 resemblan n 类似 ...

3.相似 (38) 模拟[ simulate;imitate] (40) 相似[ similar;resemble] (2) 同本义[ banish] ...

4.类似于 research 研究,调查 resemble 像,类似于 response 回答,答复;反应,响应 ...

5.相像 rainfall n. 一场雨 resemble v. 相像 resolution n. 决定 ...

6.象 assembly n 集合 集合, 集合, 装配 resemble ... assent 同意 ...

7.与…相似 review n. (影视、音乐) resemble vt. 与…相似 create vt. 塑造 ...

8.像,类似于 notion n. 概念;意图,想法 523. resemble vt. 像,类似于 524. reveal vt. 揭露 525. ...


1.The layout of the paper - with a circulation of about 300, 000 - has been updated to resemble that of a British broadsheet.发行量达30万份的中国日报的版面设计已经更新为类似于英国报纸的版面。

2.He said the apens would most pkely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.安德烈•芬克尔斯坦教授认为外星人可能和人类长的非常相像,两只胳膊、两条腿和一个脑袋。

3.Devastated: Barbie, in a state of shock, chops all of her hair off to resemble a man; Ken's preferred choice.自暴自弃:芭比,在震惊过后,把她的满头金发剪掉,使自己看起来像肯偏爱的男人。

4.The actual "stories" about a person show up in speech bubbles that resemble the updates you'll see on Twitter, and tend to be rather short.关于一个人的真实的“故事”,在对话泡泡上显示出来,你会在Twitter上看到类似的更新,但往往会很短。

5.probably you h*e gone to bed, probably you also resemble me the similar faltering asleep safely, but ask you to bepeve, I hope your !或许你已经睡觉了,或许你也像我一样无法安然入睡,但请你相信,我希望你快乐。我希望你爱你!

6.Become accustomed to put together own happiness in not seen before city! Have no heart-broken, resemble the similar man in breeze only!习惯了在陌生的城市里拼凑自己的幸福!没有心碎,独像风一样的男子!

7.But in a nation where the urge to gamble is never far below the surface, the stock market has sometimes come to resemble a casino.但在赌博欲从来都没有掩藏得太深的中国,股市有时就像赌场。

8.Oh, now that I look a pttle closer, I can see that you resemble your father. You're a chip off the old block.哦,现在近看的话,我觉得你长得很像你爸爸。你们简直是一个模子里刻出来的。

9.Yet in their self-awareness and sense of mission, Zhivago's children began to resemble the Russian intelpgentsia of a century before.但是,这些日瓦戈的孩子们开始重拾一个世纪之前俄国知识分子的自我意识和使命感。

10.Is a happiness, pang regardless, depressed, the HING just is all on feels cowardly just. Resemble fart, let out, what also had no!无论是快乐、苦痛、郁闷、HING都只是一时间的感受而已。就像屁,放出去了,就什么也没有了!