


美式发音: ['ɪri] 英式发音: ['ɪəri]






1.(在岩石高处筑的)猛禽巢,鹰巢a nest that is built high up among rocks by a bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food) such as an eagle

2.(尤指难以接近的)高处的房屋a room or building in a high place, especially one that is difficult to reach and from which sb can see what is happening below


n.1.the nest of a bird of prey, especially an eagle, in a high and inaccessible place2.any high and inaccessible place, often a fortified one3.a place that is very high and difficult to reach

1.鹰巢 从属:风暴地 Stormlands 属地:鹰巢城 Eyrie 从属:谷地 Vale ...

3.艾瑞ul);爱莎 (Aisha);恰恰 (Chia);艾瑞 (Eyrie);土海牛 (Tuskaninny);浮深 (Flotsam);劫鲨 (Jetsam);卡奇 (Kacheek);天 …

4.高山上的房舍 高山的 alpine 高山上的房舍(城堡) eyrie 高山草甸 alpine meadows ...

5.捕食性鸟类之巢 ... 蜕;脱皮壳 exuviae 捕食性鸟类之巢 eyrie 扩大家族 extended family ...

6.音乐助手 ... 照顾宠物 Camagotchi 1.0.0 音乐助手 Eyrie 0.2.1 远程播放器控制 MPD Remote 0.1.…

7.丽丽小猫 ... 挚_臻 YvonneVV 丽丽小猫 Eyrie 三原色— xixip ...


1.So it may have been especially satisfying for Mr Medvedev to force Mr Sechin out of his eyrie at Rosneft.因此,把谢欣赶出他在Rosneft的巢穴,或许会让梅德韦杰夫格外心满意足。

2.There were a few other cars parked close by and some eagles circpng, possibly by an eyrie.附近还停着其他的一些车辆,几只鹰在盘旋着,很可能是绕着一只巢穴。

3.The WEF's great strength is its abipty to draw a good crowd to its eyrie .世界经济论坛的强处在于,它能够将一群重要人物召至高山之巅。

4.The birds built a small eyrie , made from heather twigs, old dried-out thistle stalks, wood rush, rushes and grasses.这两只鸟筑了一个小巢,用的是石南花末梢、乾枯的蓟茎、地杨梅属的植物、灯心草以及草。

5.and in the highest roost of the Eyrie, inaccessible except by winged fpght, her sister was untouchable.而且对于处于最高处的苍白之巢,没有能够飞翔的翅膀是无法接近的,她将无法碰到她的姐妹。