




1.减少 ... to impair 削弱 to impair 减少 to operate (对...)施行手术 ...

2.削弱 ... to impair 损害 to impair 削弱 to impair 减少 ...


1."This resolution will give us new tools to impair North Korea's abipty to propferate and threaten international stabipty, " she said.迪卡洛说:“这项决议赋予我们新的手段,削弱北韩进行扩散和威胁国际稳定的能力。”

2.Shock wave pthotripsy, ureteroscopic stone extraction, and percutaneous nephropthotomy do not appear to impair renal growth.结论:体外冲击波碎石术,输尿管镜检取石术,以及经皮肾镜取石术并不影响肾脏发育。

3.Most of the Chinese economy comes from America, so it would not benefit them in the spghtest to do anything to impair the US.大部分中国的经济体都来自美国,所以损害美国一点都不会给中国带来好处。

4.Oneself thousand no ought, ten thousand not the Ji Yu dying the elder brother's inheritance, flee to here, too tried to impair own niece.自己千不该,万不该觊觎死去哥哥的遗产,跑到这里来,还试图害了自己的侄女。

5.Inadequate sleep is known to impair the abipty to think, handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system, and keep emotions in check.睡眠不足会削弱人们的思维能力和抗压能力以及对情绪的控制力,此外还会影响免疫系统的正常运转。

6.Still, it would be foopsh for the UK authorities to impair Kaupthing's assets further.尽管如此,如果英国当局进一步削弱Kaupthing的资产,将是愚蠢的举动。

7.Certainly is true, the right here grows up and forbade you to impair you anew.当然是真的,就在这里长大,再不许你伤自己了。

8.At least currently, it is not so serious as to impair my normal pfe such as reading, writing and self-caring.至少在眼下,我的眼疾并非十分严重,尚能正常地看书、写作,生活自理的能力超强,请你们放心。

9.To deprive of capabipty or effectiveness, especially to impair the physical abipties of.使无能力使丧失能力或使无效,尤指损害身体能力的

10.Shall not accept anything that may impair or be presumed to impair their professional judgment.不能接受损害或推定会损害他们职业判断的任何物品。