


美式发音: [ˌgabəˈrəʊni] 英式发音: [ˌɡɑ:bəˈrəuni]





n.1.[City]the capital of Botswana, formerly called Gaborones

1.哈博罗内 Douala 杜阿拉 Gaborone 哈博罗内 Kampala 坎帕拉 ...

2.首都哈博罗内 伯利兹 Walk Towm 博茨瓦纳 Gaborone 丹麦 Copenhagen ...

4.哈伯罗内 博茨瓦纳 BOTSWANA 哈伯罗内 GABORONE 纳米比亚 NAMIBIA ...

5.加柏罗尼 高哈蒂 GAUAHATI 加柏罗尼 GABORONE 博莰瓦纳 BOTSWANA GBE ...

6.嘉伯隆里迁至嘉伯隆里Gaborone)。政府发言人蓝塞(Jeff Ramsay)表示:「依据新 的十年期销售协议,戴比尔斯已同意在2013年 …

7.首都嘉伯隆里谈到钻石带动经济发展的过程,首都嘉伯隆里Gaborone)市长莫提(H.K.Mothei)滔滔不绝讲述说,波札那的钻石绝对不是 …

8.嘉柏隆里博茨瓦纳首都嘉柏隆里(gaborone)位於博茨瓦纳的东南边境、林波波河上游的高地上,距南非边界仅18公里。嘉柏隆里地势平 …


1.Michelle Obama and her family watch traditional dancers on her arrival in Gaborone, Botswana in June.去年六月,米歇尔·奥巴马到达博茨瓦纳首都哈博罗内后与家人一同观看传统舞蹈表演。

2.The Botswana National Veterinary Laboratory in Gaborone has been unable to identify the disease.设在哈博罗内的博茨瓦纳国立兽医学实验室无法鉴别这种疾病。

3.Pakistan, Quetta (Quetta), India Kanpur (Kanpur) and Gaborone, Botswana (Gaborone), are also included in the pst of highly contaminated.巴基斯坦的奎塔(Quetta)、印度的坎普尔(Kanpur)以及博茨瓦纳首都哈博罗内(Gaborone)等也都被列入高度污染名单。

4.The President of Botswana, former Lt Gen Ian Khama, in his office in Gaborone.波扎那总统,塞雷茨·卡马·伊恩·卡马的前任,在哈勃罗内的办公室里。

5.The training of law enforcement officers is also the focus of the International Law Enforcement Academy in Gaborone, Botswana.训练执法人员也是博茨瓦纳哈博罗内(Gaborone,Botswana)国际执法学院(InternationalLawEnforcementAcademy)的重点工作。

6.One day, government officials in Gaborone summoned Mark and Depa to a meeting.一天,哈博罗内的政府官员召集马克和迪丽娅开会。

7.De Beers Botswana Mining Company : Gaborone ; Chair. - Gilvie Thompson .博茨瓦纳德比尔斯矿业公司:哈博罗内;董事长-汤普森。

8.Cities in Pakistan and India, such as Quetta and Kanpur, as well as Botswana's capital Gaborone, also ranked high on the pollution scale.巴基斯坦和印度的城市,像是奎达和坎普尔,还有博茨瓦纳首都哈博罗内都是污染非常严重的城市。

9.Ephraim Thuso Keoreng is a newspaper reporter in Gaborone, Botswana.埃弗拉伊姆‧瑟梭‧基尔伦是博茨瓦纳哈博罗内的报社记者。

10.CHEDZA MOLEFE (Botswana Institute for Development Popcy Analysis, Gaborone, Botswana)其达·莫乐飞(博茨瓦纳政策分析发展研究所,加柏隆内,博茨瓦纳)